Best GRE Math Prep Books 2023First and foremost, you should take a look at our
Best GRE Test Books of 2023. These books are strongly advised for all-around preparation by the students and when you have the necessity of a good balance between time to invest in your GRE test preparation and a good score. Not all students aim for the top quant score and, therefore, need to study thoroughly for months.
However, the following books are strongly recommended for those who want a stellar score in the quant section of the GRE.
- Need to figure out your weaknesses in GRE math? Take a Free Quant Diagnostic Test from GRE Club
- Rusty with Math or want to be very organized - start with basics: GRE Math Essentials - A most comprehensive handout!!
- Need to refresh in a short amount of time? Try Kaplan Math Workbook + MGRE Number Properties + MGRE Word Translations or Target Test Prep GRE Course
- Need the highest Quant score and have time? You have a few Options:
- Need additional quant question practice? Use Forum Question Banks
- Looking for Q170?[ Use our GRE Content Review & Practice Questions - The MASTER Directory
GRE Math Prep Books 1. Official GRE Quantitative Reasoning -
Ebook VersionStrengths: 1.
150 real GRE quantitative questions (no overlap)2. General strategies that cover the major areas tested on the GRE and help you to solve the quant problem step-by-step
3. A decent math review
4. Explanation of every single question which is a plus
5. Not expensive as a book. A bargain for what you get in terms of # of questions
Weaknesses:1. All we said above is true but the - for us at least - strategies provided barely scratch the surface to overcome a difficult test such as the GRE.
If you want in-depth, thorough, very picky strategies to know every single nuance of the quant section, it is better to ashore to another spot.
2. Manhattan GRE (MGRE) Quant Guides -
Ebook VersionStrengths: 1. Good balance between test taking strategies and background theory explanations
2. Single-topic focus of each guide allows the student to purchase only those guides that pertain to his/her weaknesses
3. Covered concepts are illustrated with examples that are conveniently assigned to each type of question on the GRE: QCQ,PS,MAC,NE, and DI.
4. Access to 6 Online CAT's (requires purchasing a bundle)
5. Additional online practice question banks (different for each book)
Weaknesses:1. Time - it is a serious collection of books
3. 5 lb. Book of GRE Practice Problems Strengths: 1.
1,800 real-close GRE questions with a caveat. See below the cons2. Detailed explanations, which is one of the key aspects when you practice
3. The only book you perhaps need for practice without any other resource for a top score
Weaknesses:1. The caveat is that some question is NOT conceived for the GRE. Even though the logic behind the GMAT and the GRE is quite similar if not identical, the two tests are somehow different.
The former is specifically conceived for Business Schools, therefore it is quite demanding in terms of quant concepts to learn.
The latter is a GENERAL exam, with multiple purposes NOt only Business Schools in mind.
As such, the book adapts questions from the GMAT to the GRE but in our view, sometimes, the book falls short
2. Time - it is a serious collection of questions
4. 1,007 GRE Practice Questions, 4th Edition Strengths: 1.
1,007 GRE questions 2. Detailed explanations, which is one of the key aspects when you practice
3. Very well organized is one of its strongest points. Caring for and testing every single aspect of the GRE math area
Weaknesses:1. The questions are not as hard as you would expect. If you are aiming for a top score these questions will not bring you to the top.
2. The explanations are not always the best in class. Sometimes are also confusing and use a sort of shortcut. They are not always in the end so clear.
3. Several errors and typos can be found, scattered throughout the book
5. GRE Math Workbook Strengths: 1.
1,000+ GRE questions 2. The book provides all the necessary notions and practice to the students for a very substantial score
3. The questions in the book are very well crafted and aligned to the GRE quant portion. They are quite solid
4. The math review of the book is robust as well. All the math fundamentals are well explained per area of content.
5. We do have also an advanced math practice with quite a few challenging questions.
6. Overall, it is a great book
Weaknesses:1. Sometimes are poorly worded and more often they seem disconnected from the question itself. To the point, you doubt that you are the correct explanation.
2. The explanations are not always the best in class. Sometimes are also confusing and use a sort of shortcut. They are not always in the end so clear.
3. You should couple it with a more robust book in certain areas such as the word problems not always focused
6. GRE Prep Club Question banks Strengths: 1.
Over 14k (14 thousands) GRE Practice Questions 2. Detailed explanations for every question by our quant experts with a GRE 99 percentile
3. The test even the most minuscule concept of the GRE Math portion of the test
4. Daily fresh questions added
Weaknesses:1. Time - it is an almost infinite reservoir of questions
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