The importance of a well-balanced diet high in fiber and low in saturated fat is understood by most shoppers in Arcadia County. Moreover, food Line nutrition labels clearly display important nutritional information. As a result, sales of high-fiber foods in Arcadia County have risen dramatically during the last decade, while sales of foods high in saturated fat have dropped by a similar magnitude. Even so, during the last decade the number of shoppers in Arcadia County who are overweight has increased substantially. The more the residents of a city exercise, the lower the average number of heart attacks in that city. Likewise, the less the residents of a city exercise, the greater the average number of heart attacks in that city. Therefore, people who wish to reduce the chance of suffering a heart attack should exercise more.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the argument?
A. Heart attacks are a common cause of death in cities with high exercise rates.
B. The cities with low exercise rates are often those with the highest standards of living.
C. A particular resident of a city whose population has a high exercise rate may not exercise at all.
D. The cities with high exercise rates are also the cities with the lowest number of cigarette smokers.
E. The differences in exercise rates among cities often result from the availability of conveniently located gyms.
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Re: The importance of a well-balanced diet high in fiber and low in satura
10 Aug 2023, 09:00
This weaken question addresses the conclusion of the passage, which states that "people who wish to reduce the chance of suffering a heart attack should exercise more." The argument presents a causal pattern, assuming that the correlation between average number of heart attacks and exercise rates is not a coincidence. If this correlation is a coincidence, then the argument's conclusion is weakened. Choice (A) can be eliminated as out of scope, as the passage discusses raising and lowering the risk of heart attack not whether heart attacks are a common cause of death. Choice (B) can be eliminated, as high standards of living cannot be supported to have an impact on the conclusion. Choice (C) is a reversal, as a resident who personally has a high exercise rate may not see a benefit from additional exercise, but one who does not exercise is more likely to see a benefit from exercise. Choice (E) is out of scope, as the reason for different exercise rates does not impact the conclusion. The correct answer is (D).
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The importance of a well-balanced diet high in fiber and low in satura
09 May 2024, 09:35
Wow, choice D, quite tricky!
But my question: Is it permitted in gre to make such a wide assumption of cigarette smoking as a cause of heart attack?
I would appreciate your clarification. Thank you
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Re: The importance of a well-balanced diet high in fiber and low in satura
07 Jun 2024, 10:14
I don't see anywhere in the passage it is implied that cigarette smoking is bad.. are we allowed to make such assumptions? (in the context of this question)
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Re: The importance of a well-balanced diet high in fiber and low in satura
07 Jun 2024, 11:32
A) This is not relevant. The author argues that to reduce ones risk of a heart attack one should exercise. In this case, even if heart attack is a common cause of death in high exercise countries, this does not mean that it exercise does not reduce the risk of a heart attack.
B) This could be true, however it does not impact the authors argument. So what if cities have higher standards of living? Here the author is arguing a causal link between exercise rate and heart attacks. Nothing about quality of life/standard of living.
C) This is obviously a true fact, however it is not relevant to the authors argument.
D) Good choice. If the high exercise rate cities have also the lowest smoking rates, it is possible that the cause of reduction in heart attacks is because of the low smoking rates, rather than exercise. This undermines the authors argument, since now we have to consider a new variable: smoking.
E) This only explains why a country might have a difference in exercise rate, but it does not impact the authors argument.