Timing is the most important aspect of this exam. However if you find yourself rushing over questions without time to reiview it is probably because you are consuming way more time on questions than you can afford.
A strategy pretty common among the students is known as the slide. Look at the interface below.
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This method used the buttons on the top bar called Mark and review.
Step 1. When you see a new question estimate if you can do it in 30 seconds or less. If yes then do it.. if no then hit the mark button and move on
Step 2. When you reach the end of the test and hit the review button and see the unanswered questions.
Step 3. Attempt the questions which you can do in a minute and minute and a half range.
Step 4. After the first three steps all you are left with are the heavier questions on the test.
DO NOT obsesses over tough questions at the start of the test.There are other things that you can adopt to increase the speed of answering questions such as plugging values or elimination methods.
It is not necessary that you solve all the questions in order to get the correct answer. elimination and plugging values are very useful and time saving strategy.