Hi Guys,
Perhaps most of the time you have wondered how to post here on the board a quant question for which you are puzzled and need help. This is perfectly fine, and importantly we are here to help you. However, GRE verbal question has a particular format that could confuse you the way you post, properly, and at the same time is kinda weird how they look like.
As such, I am going to guide you throughout a 360° way to create the perfect post under all its aspects. Following a sort of strategy, you gonna have it even to turn on the light, I will show you step by step how to use tags and bb-code in a way as much simple as possible.
1) Read the rules to post in quant section, regardless of the sub-forum quant forum you need to spoil. Read the post very carefully; it is mandatory http://gre.myprepclub.com/forum/rules-to-p ... -1652.html
2) It is really important to point out that all such rules are important to keep the board clean and efficient, BUT if we really wanna say the basic rules, you must follow : - Using the first sentence of the same question OR a phrase that well sum up the entire question and its key concepts
- At least 3 (Three) tags to identify properly the question you are posting : an example could be the level of difficulty of the question, the area of content(algebra, word problem, and so forth), and the SOURCE.
- The Official answer and possible the Official Explanation.
Posting a question in the verbal section
As you know, we do have three types of verbal questions during our GRE (not considering AWA)
Reading Comprehension
The new topic looks like this
#GREPrepclub Reading Comprehension.jpg [ 273.45 KiB | Viewed 33473 times ]
As you can see the post is very clean and efficient, resembling a real RC question during the GRE. How we can achieve this simple but surprising result ??
Well, using tiny but powerful tags. In a nutshell, you have to wrap up the passage and then the answer choices using the code
[box_in] [box_out]
The screenshots above are quite explicative:
In this manner, you encapsulate the passage and the referring questions in one single beautiful box.
Text Completion
At GREPrepclub, we are constantly on the move to provide to the students the most effective yet similar experience to the real GRE environment, resembling as close as possible if not 100% the GRE features; creating or posting questions that resemble the real questions under every aspect.
Under the quant side - if you didn't see yet
How to Post and Tag a GRE Question_The Easy way - 2019 Ed., I strongly recommend you to see how it is easy to post a quant question on the board. However, the most challenging one was to create a simple, elegant, nifty little feature that permits the students to post a Text Completion question in the simplest manner yet resembling 100% the GRE TC fashion.
It was hard, but we made it.
Moreover, with a bit of blatantly, I am sure that no one forum on the internet provides you a simple but very powerful tool such that we have created.
In the beginning, to post a TC question was rough, not elegant and clear for the students whatsoever. It looked like the following
Though a film studio produces works that are (i)____________ and artistic, its priorities often dictate that creativity be (ii)____________ to a secondary position since the creative process can (iii)____________ the organization and hierarchy necessary to running a large company.
(A) expressive
(B) tedious
(C) tiresome
(D) compared
(E) uplifted
(F) relegated
(G) respond to
(H) conflict with
(I) coexist with
https://gre.myprepclub.com/forum/though-a- ... html#p7858The perfect definition to post a question (iii) blanks is in answer choice (B): tedious. At the end of the day, as the students formatted it was no the end of the world. After all, the most important thing is to satisfy your doubts during your study process. Down to the business is what we care about.
A step further had been done when we implemented the tag
. It was, at the time, a quantum leap in comparison the very first format above. The result was similar to the Official GRE questions in every aspect. However, the downside was even worse in the first format. Create a TC was cumbersome even though the result was satisfactory.
Let's take a look
#GREPrepclub (iii) blanks Text Completion.jpg [ 26.01 KiB | Viewed 33216 times ]
But the code behind the table was a punch
#GREPrepclub (iii) blanks Text Completion code.jpg [ 52.12 KiB | Viewed 33274 times ]
Honestly ?? Nobody would have written by hand this. And I agree with him/her. But working hard deliver results. Always. It is a sort of universal law: "you get out what you put in." A such, we have created a powerful tag, but that is magnificent in its simplicity.
When you are going to create a TC question, you will notice on the right, of four tags (for Sentence equivalence we will talk later on this post), three of which are:
- (i) one blank
- (ii) two blanks
- (iii) three blanks
(i) Text Completion one blankWhen you hover over with the mouse upon the tag table1= that means you can create a table for the TC (i) one blank
#GREPrepclub (i) one blank text completion.jpg [ 43.67 KiB | Viewed 33247 times ]
The explanation is pretty straight: the only thing you have to do is to write the five answer choices one after another separated by a comma. That's it. Done. Magically. Look at the following question from the Powerprep FREE test
https://gre.myprepclub.com/forum/james-bos ... -3284.htmlCode:
[table1b=partisanship, omniscience, precedence, opportunism, perseverance][/table1b]
The result is the following
Blank (i) |
partisanship |
omniscience |
precedence |
opportunism |
perseverance |
(ii) Text Completion two blanksAttachment:
#GREPrepclub (ii) one blank text completion.jpg [ 45.03 KiB | Viewed 33207 times ]
https://gre.myprepclub.com/forum/the-narra ... html#p6333Code:
[table2b= construe, take issue with, anoint, disregard, acknowledge, collude in][/table2b]
The result
Blank (i) |
Blank (ii)
construe |
take issue with |
anoint |
disregard |
acknowledge |
collude in |
However, if is true that for (i) one blank question is straight, for (ii) two blanks and (iii) three blanks TC you have to be careful ho to insert the words into the tag. You have to follow the split :
(A), (D), (B), (E), (C), (F)Code:
[table2b= (A), (D), (B), (E), (C), (F)][/table2b]
In other words, the inserted answer choices must be the first answer of blank (i), the first word of (ii) blanks
as the second word and so forth...........
#GREPrepclub (ii) Two blanks Text Completion.jpg [ 26.32 KiB | Viewed 33189 times ]
(iii) Text Completion three blanksAttachment:
#GREPrepclub (iii) one blank text completion.jpg [ 48.65 KiB | Viewed 33171 times ]
https://gre.myprepclub.com/forum/og-vpr-6- ... html#p5671Code:
[table3b=wide application of, marginalized, ignoring, extensive resistance to, intrigued, anticipating, great expense of, isolated, increasing][/table3b]
The result
Blank (i) |
Blank (ii) |
Blank (iii) |
wide application of |
marginalized |
ignoring |
extensive resistance to |
intrigued |
anticipating |
great expense of |
isolated |
increasing |
Now we have to follow the same guidelines we did for the (ii) two blanks when we insert the answer choices into the tag
#GREPrepclub (iii) Three blanks Text Completion.jpg [ 40.17 KiB | Viewed 33167 times ]
Sentence Equivalence
#GREPrepclub Sentence Equivalence.jpg [ 42.11 KiB | Viewed 33172 times ]
https://gre.myprepclub.com/forum/while-in- ... html#p6365Code:
[tabletb=solicitous, munificent, irresolute, laconic, fastidious, taciturn][/tabletb]
The result
Two Answers |
solicitous |
munificent |
irresolute |
laconic |
fastidious |
taciturn |