Re: Due to the increase in traffic accidents caused by deer in t
25 Jan 2021, 14:24
Accident causes because of deer. so kill deer.
but even after killing no of accident increases
(A)Incorrect Many recreational hunters hunt only once or twice per hunting season, regardless of the length of the season.
many hunted but problem increased.It doesn't solve the problem
(B) Incorrect The deer in the state have become accustomed to living in close proximity to humans and are often easy prey for hunters as a result.
So what. doesn't help to give the reason
(C) Incorrect Most automobile accidents involving deer result from cars swerving to avoid deer, and leave the deer in question unharmed.
Out of scope. not relevant
(D) Incorrect The number of drivers in the state has been gradually increasing over the past several years.
ok. number of driver increased. So it might be the reason behind the increas of accident so does no deer decreased.
not help in solving the apparent discepancy.
(E) CorrectA heavily used new highway recently built directly through the state’s largest forest, which is the primary habitat of the state's deer population
yes. this option help us in solving the problem. As the heavily used new highway passes through the state's largest forest So the chances of contact with the deer are increase and hence the no of accident.