Re: Forty-five percent of all blood donated in the United States
28 Jan 2021, 11:07
(A) The special usefulness of type 0 blood lies in the fact that it matches the blood type of most people
Incorrect: It doesn't matches the blood type of most people but is compatible with blood of all types. Even if one uses matches interchangeability with compatible, most vs all distinction still prevails.
(B) Supplies of type 0 blood are continuously so low that type 0 blood is unavailable for emergencies, where its usefulness would be greatest.
Incorrect: Supply low or not can not be inferred. What can be inferred is that supply cannot meet the demand as type 0 can be used irrespective of recipient's blood type.
(C) Forty-five percent of the total population of the United States has type 0 blood, which makes type 0 the most common blood type.
Incorrect: 45% of all blood donated is of type A.
(D) Any decision to give blood of any type other than 0 needs to be based on knowledge of the recipient's blood type.
Correct: It is mentioned that Type 0 blood can be given to any recipient regardless of his/her blood type. It is also mentioned that this application of type 0 is unique. Thus, decision to given other blood types can not be made in absence of knowledge of recipient's blood type
(E) Type 0 blood is the only blood that cannot be typed as fast as needed in emergencies.