to be honest when I have such short questions: what material should I use and particularly for the verbal part of the GRE, I am literally scared. I freeze in my pants, starting sweating cold and the ambulance is already on its way ....

Ah ah Ok , perhaps I am a little bit exaggerated but I think is true. This is one of the most difficult questions to address to a student and the reasons why are:
1) All the material out there basically is junk; more specifically, the questions and the RC passages to practice.
2) mainly, the GRE is a verbal test and NOT a quant test. This makes things even worse.
3) The vocabulary is still an important part to win the game and sometimes the students feel overwhelmed about it.
4) The ability to score well on this test - verbal side - is strictly and intimately related you your language ENGLISH skills. Only to address this point we could talk one day straight without interruption whatsoever
So, what we can do ?? of course, the student could wonder how to do ?? give up and have a good nite. Well, not so fast.
I will try to stay tight to the scope of the post, trying to give some good advice.
THEORYThe Manhattan Verbal series are good to approach the strategy and various possible tips and tricks of the various verbal question types.
Basically, all the books from
Kaplan to Barron's and Princeton in the middle, all the GRE verbal books in spectrum say the same thing.
Probably, a look into the matter from a different perspective which I do love unconditional are the strategy by Greg mat
Watch his videos on the verbal (also quant )
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCktwzc ... ery=verbalPRACTICEpretty simple: throw out from the windows all the questions from the NON-official resources, and I mean ALL.
Use only the official material. ETS has more than enough questions to practice
Here all the official questions
https://gre.myprepclub.com/forum/all-the-o ... -8020.htmlhttps://gre.myprepclub.com/forum/gre-power ... -3118.htmlAsk if you do need further assistance