Re: If Bayern Munich loses fan representation as a percentage of
07 Apr 2022, 07:53
Look for the relevant information from both figures to determine the change in the percent of
Bayern Munich fans out of all fans from 2007 to 2011 by subtracting the percent of Bayern fans
in 2007, or 16.60%, from the percent of Bayern fans in 2011, or 16.20%, to find that over four
years there was a 0.4% percentage point decrease in the percentage of Bayern Munich fans as a
subset of all fans.
Next, find the percentage point decrease per year by dividing the 0.4% total percentage point
decrease by the 4 year time period to find that Bayern's representation decreases by a constant
0.1 percentage points each year.
Then, calculate the total percentage point decrease needed to reach 15.0% from Bayern's
original percentage in 2007 by subtracting 15 from 16.60 to find the total decrease will be 1.6
percentage points.
At a percentage point decrease rate of 0.1 percentage points per year a decrease of 1.6
percentage points will take = 16 years.
Add 16 years to 2007 to reach the year 2023.
The correct answer2023