This is another report by another student we are going to analyze
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What is evident from it are two things:
1) Time management issues;
2) A possible lack of confidence or I.E NOT a perfect mastery of the skills needed in both areas
This is confirmed by the two following snapshots
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The first snapshot is really important because tells us a LOT of the student preparation: both questions are level 2, so we can make a perfect comparison. Pure math versus real-life problems, so two areas in which we must have important skills.
However, the student took way too much to solve them.
That means
1) Not a laser-focus strategy about time-management
2) and a possible lack of confidence or I.E nOT a perfect mastery of the skills needed in both areas
From the second snapshot, we do know the other way around scenario. In the first snapshot, we did have the same level of difficulty and two different areas of testing.
In the second one above we do have always the same level of difficulty but also the same area tested: pure math. yet the student had good time management but 3 are correct BUT one is wrong.
In conclusion:
1) improving time management
2) improving the confidence of the concepts tested.
Following is the second quant section
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Notice, particularly, the first 13 questions: a panzer. When I see such things I get emotional

This is the way a student should attack EVERY section of the GRE: Quant and Verbal.
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13 questions correct but two. Once again: a machine gun. level of difficulty: out of scale. 3,4, and 5 level . well done
However, we do have the problem highlighted above: algebra third question, level 4 nailed in 37 seconds
The fifth question, level 5, correct but in almost 3 minutes. Too much.
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here we go with the disaster part II
I am sorry but the GRE is implacable like Arnold in the Running Man .
In the first section, just 7 questions correct and the rest all wrong across all levels.
The second section is even worse
1) Just 3 correct
2) RC long passage 1 correct over 3
3) RC short passage
ALL wrong4) TC
ALL wrong5) SE Half wrong half correct
Basically, a Via Crucis. A Trauma.
The only advice I have for the student is: start from scratch once again. There are NO take away from the verbal part of the exam, positive. Sorry
Guys: be humble, stay confident. The GRE is beatable.