Now I know that learning words by heart is more or less nonsense, yet I feel like it would be beneficial in some sense to go through something as dreadful as that is. I did the c2 CPE and got a B on it; however, looking at some of the words that come by at GRE makes me think like "where in the name of the lord did this one pop up from".
Now if anyone has any page, forum or book with a healthy amount(2k-3k) of GRE words that one should learn please share it with me

I am starting now slowly to study for it.
My profile
Finished my bachelor in Finance last year(feels weird saying that)
Currently working in the entertainment/film/advertising industry as a production coordinator and quite undecided in what direction I will go. Not sure whether to pursue Finance, Management, Law or Marketing or simply just not go do a master.
Yet looking at this GRE as a safety net irregardless of what I decide to go with.