sandy wrote:
2. Let N1 be number of boys in French Class and N2 be number of boys in Spanish and let x be girl:boy in French class and y be girl:boy in Spanish class.
Now given that y < x
Quantity A: x
Quantity B: \(\frac{x*N1 + y*N2}{N1+N2}\)
Now Quantity B is a weighted average of x and y and hence its value will lie between x and y. Since x is the upper bound Quantity B is always less than x. Unless N2 = 0 in which case both are equal. But since it is mentioned both classes have some male and female students hence Quantity B is greater!
Your solution actually revealed the answer of the question 2 is A (Quantity A > QuantityB).
Because Quantity B is always less than x => B < A => The answer is A
My Solution is:
Female in French and Spanish: x, y
Male in French and Spanish: a, b
Hence, x/a > y/b => y <x*b/a (because b>0, we can multiple both sides for b)
Quantity A: x/a
Quantity B: (x+y)/(a+b)
Because y<bx/a as mentioned => Quantity B< (x + bx/a)/(a+b) = N
Multiple both numerator and denominator of N for a => Quantity B < [x(a+b)]/[a*(a+b)] = x/a = Quantity A
So the answer is A: Quantity A is greater