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Re: In autism, perception of the eyes in the context of a face is atypical
28 Jul 2021, 18:35
In autism, perception of the eyes in the context of a face is atypical. Children with autism demonstrate an advantage in face recognition when only the mouth or lower-face features are presented whereas typical children benefit more from the eyes. Children with autism benefit more from the lower half of the face than from the upper face when making judgments about emotional expressions, in contrast to typical children. Similar findings have been made for adults with autism. When watching actors on screen, adults with autism look more at the mouth and less at the eyes than do typical adults. This bias toward looking at the mouth is unlikely to be a developmental delay: from the age of seven weeks, infants will fixate more on the eye region of the face when an adult begins to talk.
The author talks about introduces similar findings in third sentence and in the fourth he describes what were the findings. Thus, the third sentence will be the required part.
Answer- Highlighted in green.
Hope this helps!