GRE Exam Pattern - What that means for your top score and Why is so important
The GRE general exam encompasses three main segments that test your critical thinking and how you can leverage that information useful to reach a solution and that irrelevant
Question types in the GRE quantitative segment are classified into 4 types:
The GRE quant topic are essentially
- Arithmetic
- Algebra
- Coordinate Geometry
- Geometry
- Data Interpretation
For every specific sub-topic on the 5 main areas above please refer in-depth to our
GRE Quant BookNow, usually, if you google for the number of questions teste don the GRE for the specific sub-topic above, everybody, experts included, gave you a rough estimation on the question that will appear during the exam. here is an example:
Arithmetic WeightageNumber Type, Number Lines, Number Properties, Place values, Unit digit/ cyclicity, Even and Odd, Prime, co-primes & Composite, Factors & Multiples, LCM & HCF, Remainder with exponent, Remainder with factorial, Divisibility Rules
Six to seven questions during the exam will cover or test these topics.
The negative impact of this calculation is that inherently the students this that at some point he/she will need to solve a pure arithmetic problem, one that involves algebra, one a pure word problem, or one that tests simply the areas described above, not necessarily in conjunction.
That is totally
Look for instance the following question located here
\(ab > 0\)
\(|c| > |a+b|
Quantity A |
Quantity B |
\(|a+b-c|\) |
\( |a|+|b|-|c|\) |
A)The quantity in Column A is greater.
B)The quantity in Column B is greater.
C)The two quantities are equal.
D)The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
This is a basic arithmetic question BUT it encloses different areas of testing: number properties, modulus, inequalities, and also it can be solved via coordinate geometry.
Another example is located here ... 13434.htmlQuote:
There are 58 balls in a jar. Each ball is painted with at least one of two colors, red or green. It is observed that \(\frac{2}{7}\) of the balls that have red color also have a green color, while \(\frac{3}{7}\) of the balls that have green color also have a red color. What is the probability that a ball randomly picked from the jar will have both red and green colors?
(A) \(\frac{6}{14}\)
(B) \(\frac{2}{7}\)
(C) \(\frac{6}{35}\)
(D) \(\frac{6}{29}\)
(E) \(\frac{6}{42}\)
Eventually, it is a probability problem but it is also a word problem and an overlapping set implicated.
Another statistic that a lot of articles, experts, companies give to you is that during the exam the probability and combinatorics questions range from 3 to 4. This is also another myth: if you are lucky during the exam you will meet just one probability question and NOT in the complicated fashion you might have on the GMAT. It is not true, whatsoever. Zero probability question during the GRE is a likely scenario.
An alike scenario could be adducted for the verbal part of the GRE in which most of the students if not the totality think is it a question of just vocabularies memorization. It is NOT.
It is a matter of logic, meaning, sentence structure, grammar, nouns, adverbs, adjectives, and so the same time in the same sentence or passage.
The only TWO patterns that you must keep in mind and that you must use to leverage for achieving a top score are
One general that gives you the GRE context and, as it turns out, the exam you need to address

The following patters are an inside look of the quant and verbal section of the GRE and are the result of an in-depth analysis of the
PowerPrep FREE software and the
PowerPrep PLUS examGRE Quant pattern1) the first 7 questions are always quantitative comparison questions. However, I didn't spot out a clear increase in the difficulty of the questions themselves. I.E. there is NOT a clear and definitive clue that the first one is easier and the last one is tougher.
Sometimes QCQs are from 1 to 8, one more.
2) Multiple answer choices - one answer choice to pick or we could say a classic problem solving are questions from 9 to 12. We can insert as 10th question a MAC (multiple answer choice that can be easily up to 9 answers).
At this point OR the 13th is a NE OR the 12th is a NE and the 13th back to a PS.
3) Questions 14-15-16 are always a Data Interpretation with a single graph. I.E. one graph and 3 relative questions in a row. Usually, the 3 questions are OR 3 problem solving OR 2 PS and a NE.
4) The remaining questions 17-18-19-20 are 4 problems solving or 2 problems solving and a MAC and a NE. Considering that throughout the 20 questions IF we do have TWO NE we do have ONE MAC only and vice-versa: TWO MAC then we do have ONE and only NE.
For Instance: if we have two NE usually is the 12 or 13th question and the 18th, then we do have ONE MAC as 19 or 20th question OR two MAC as 10 and 20th question and ONE NE as 13th question.
To sum up: we do have always this split: QCQ 7; PS 7; NE 1 or 2; DI 3; and MAC 1 or 2 (it depends how many NE we do have: 1 NE ---> 2 MAC; 2 NE ----> 1 MAC).
GRE Verbal pattern1) If the section is medium in its difficulty:
1) TC 1 blank ; 2) TC 1; 3) TC 2 ; 4) TC 2; 5) TC 2; 6) TC 3 ; 7) CR or RC (MAC - 3 question); 8/9/10/11) Rc long reading with 4 questions; 12) SE; 13) SE; 14) SE; 15) SE; 16) RC short 1 question; 17/18/19) RC short 3 questions; 20) CR
Total: 6 TC; 4 SE; 2 CR; 1 RC long reading 4 questions; 1 RC short reading 3 questions; 1 RC short with 1 Multiple answer choices question.
2) If the section is on the hardest side, we do have a variation of the previous path:
TC 1 blank 2 questions; TC 2 blanks 2 questions; TC 3 blanks 2 questions; 4 SE; 1 or 2 CR; 1 RC 4 question long reading; 1 RC 1 question; 1 RC MAC (Multiple answer choices ); 1 RC short reading 3 questions.
We said that the two patterns above are crucial not only to know the test in its intimacy but also to establish a well firm time management strategy. For more on this crucial aspect of the test see
Knowing exactly how the questions during the two sections of the exam are placed permit you to bespoke an effective strategy. For instance: I usually solve always the QCQ questions not because they are easier but because you, ideally, waste less time.
Usually, a QCQ must be solved in a minute or at the very most in 1.30. In the shortest time, it can be solved in a 30 second approach. This leaves you more time for more complicated questions such as Data Interpretation.
On the verbal side, for instance, knowing exactly the questions where they are placed would permit you to skip the questions going directly to those that for you are easier. In my case, they are the SE questions that can be solved wit the pair technique.
Usually, the 6 answer choices come in 2 pairs of options, i.e two pairs are synonyms and two are off. Rarely you will find three pairs as synonyms but could be that case as I testimony in some official question.
If you pinpoint the two pairs you not only will solve the questions much faster but the probability to reply it correctly is fifty/fifty=50%=1/2.
Sound easy ??
Have a great study folks.
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