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Re: Everything You Need to Prepare for the TOEFL [#permalink]
Hey guys, I am looking for TOEFL study partner. Lets form a study group on dum dum Join me there.
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Re: Everything You Need to Prepare for the TOEFL [#permalink]
Hello! Is it still topical?
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Re: Everything You Need to Prepare for the TOEFL [#permalink]
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Re: Everything You Need to Prepare for the TOEFL [#permalink]
Make sure that you understand that the speaking and writing sections of the exam are not exactly as described in these books. You can find lessons to help you with this on YouTube.

Get free practice by searching for "ouliogroove speaking" or "ouliogroove writing" that's close to the exam on YouTube(though not exact, it's better than all of those books). Also, get free lessons by searching for "notefulldotcom" on YouTube.
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Re: Everything You Need to Prepare for the TOEFL [#permalink]
thanks for that information, great work!
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Re: Everything You Need to Prepare for the TOEFL [#permalink]
Wow, that's great thing to know.
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Re: Everything You Need to Prepare for the TOEFL [#permalink]
Very useful, thanks!
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Re: Everything You Need to Prepare for the TOEFL [#permalink]
Thanks for sharing! This is what I was looking for!
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Re: Everything You Need to Prepare for the TOEFL [#permalink]
Thanks for the tips. Ițll use them for sure
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Re: Everything You Need to Prepare for the TOEFL [#permalink]
For preparing Toffel you have to focus on the followings point

Reading: This section contains RCs. The RCs are huge in size, and there are a minimum of 10 questions from each RC. don't READ EACH RC COMPLETELY BEFORE ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS. Read only the primary paragraph and therefore the first line of each following paragraph. once you read an issue , immediately attend the paragraph concerning the question within the RC. The RC passage won't disappear when you’re answering the questions. Select the paragraph and check out to seem for a phrase within the paragraph that pertains to the question. Usually within 2 lines before or after the phrase you’ll get your answer. The RC section isn't hard. I’ll even say that it’s easier than the GRE RC section. Just time yourself correctly and you’ll be fine.

Listening: this is often probably the simplest section. Remember taking notes in school during college? Just do this . jot notes while taking note of the audio passage as if you were taking note of a lecture in school . The passage will only be played once, so remember to be fast while taking notes. there'll be 5-6 audio tracks during this section. Each audio track may have 5-10 questions related to it. In some cases the audio track are going to be paired with a reading passage. These are called integrated audio tasks. Answer these within the same way. Your notes will help.

Speaking: this is often the foremost difficult section of the exam. It’s not because it’s challenging, it’s simply because we aren't familiar with the format of speaking questions you'll face in TOEFL. you'll get 15 secs prep followed by 1 minute of speaking. you'll got to speak 4-6 sentences clearly in 1 minute for an honest response. No response is ideal . most of the people usually ruin . Some people ruin and obtain perfect scores in speaking. Just make certain to possess correct grammar and phrasing while speaking. If you’re Indian like me, your accent could also be a problem but there’s nothing you'll do that . For sample speaking responses click on the subsequent link: Free Practice Test . attend the speaking section and hear the sample responses. it'll assist you gain confidence as no speaking response is ideal . Practice speaking questions before going. this is often important.

Writing: This section is additionally relatively easy. you'll have two writing tasks. the primary task will present you with an ambiguous topic. Just accompany the flow and write your opinion on the subject . The second task are going to be an integrated writing task (one passage + one audio track). The passage and audio track will contradict one another , i.e. the points from both of them will have different opinions on an equivalent topic. What you've got to try to to is include both these views into your answer. You don’t need to choose one side and write for that side and against the opposite side. you merely need to state the facts presented by both the views as they're given. E.g. – ‘According to the passage the violent storms on Venus occur due to reason X. However, the professor negates this possibility in his lecture by saying X isn't possible due to reason
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Re: Everything You Need to Prepare for the TOEFL [#permalink]
Thankyou for sharing this useful information it will help to people to achieve their goal.
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Re: Everything You Need to Prepare for the TOEFL [#permalink]
How long have you been preparing for TOEFL?
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Re: Everything You Need to Prepare for the TOEFL [#permalink]
I've been preparing for 3 months aprx
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Re: Everything You Need to Prepare for the TOEFL [#permalink]
Super comprehensive - thanks!
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Re: Everything You Need to Prepare for the TOEFL [#permalink]

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