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Re: When Jayne Hinds Bidaut saw her first tintype, she was so struck by it [#permalink]
Hi Carcass, could you kindly explain the reasoning behind the answers of question 3, 4, and 6?
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Re: When Jayne Hinds Bidaut saw her first tintype, she was so struck by it [#permalink]
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3. Information in the passage most helps to answer which one of the following questions?

Refer to the lines- The old techniques are heavily hands-on...Most became obsolete in a few decades, replaced by others that were simpler, cheaper, faster, and more consistent in their results.

Option (E) What were the perceived advantages of the innovations that led to the obsolescence of many early photographic techniques and processes?
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Re: When Jayne Hinds Bidaut saw her first tintype, she was so struck by it [#permalink]
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4. Which one of the following most accurately describes the primary purpose of the passage?

Difficulty Level: 700


The main purpose of the passage is to describe the revival of old photographic techniques and the reasons for the revival.

(A) Not quite. It’s the artists who make this case. The author just describes why the artists feel the old techniques are valuable.

(B) Actually, we don’t really know how these old methods are used. All we know is that they take more effort, and they produce less consistent results. But how, specifically, do artists use them? We have no idea.

(C) CORRECT. Lines 17-18 show that this development is surprising. As photographic technology advances, more photographers are using old techniques. This passage describes the different techniques they use, and some of the reasons why.

(D) We actually don’t know if these photographers have received critical acclaim. This is never mentioned.

(E) Nonsense. The author only mentions Bidaut in the first paragraph, to set the scene. And they don’t give much detail on Estabrook either. This passage is really about the general movement towards using older techniques again.

Answer: C
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Re: When Jayne Hinds Bidaut saw her first tintype, she was so struck by it [#permalink]
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5. Which one of the following is most analogous to the use of old photographic techniques for artistic purposes by late-twentieth-century artists, as described in the passage?

Difficulty Level: 700


20th-century artists use the older techniques in order to add uniqueness and character to their photos. Newer techniques work better, but aren’t as useful for achieving certain artistic goals. The old methods are very labor intensive. They’re also error prone, but the artists want the errors.

(A) The herbal medicines aren’t obviously worse at improving health. And there’s no clear aesthetic goal to using herbs.

(B) The high rise office building is still modern. To be analogous, the architect would have had to use the architectural drafting tools used by the ancients.

(C) This is close. But we don’t know why the engineer uses the older design. We do know the artists wanted the flaws that came with old methods.An engineer, on the other hand, isn’t likely to want a supercharger with flaws. Presumably he’s using the older design because he’s judged it to be more effective.

(D) CORRECT. This has both qualities. Older methods, and older methods used in order to produce flaws.

(E) This is entirely modern. The artist isn’t using old methods, and he isn’t looking to include errors.

Answer: D
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Re: When Jayne Hinds Bidaut saw her first tintype, she was so struck by it [#permalink]
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6. Based on the information in the passage, it can be inferred that Estabrook believes that

Difficulty Level: 700


The author mentions Estabrook in two places: the second paragraph, and lines 34-45.

to exploit the past is to court the very uncertainty that early innovators sought to banish. Such unpredictability attracted Estabrook to old processes. His work embraces accident and idiosyncrasy in order to foster the illusion of antiquity. In his view, time leaches meaning from every photograph and renders it a lost object, enabling us to project onto it our sentiments and associations. So while the stains and imperfections of prints made from gum bichromate or albumen coatings would probably have been cropped out by a nineteenth-century photographer, Estabrook retains them to heighten the sense of nostalgia.

I personally reread both sections before answering this question. It didn’t take long to read them, and it let me answer the question with all the information about Estabrook fresh in my mind. So I answered the question much faster.

Estabrook likes the unpredictability of old processes. He also thinks that if he can fool people into believing art is from the past, then they will give it a different meaning.

A. Estabrook never mentions 19th-century photographers. In fact, nowhere in the passage does the author tell us how people selected photo subjects in the 19th century.

B. CORRECT. This is a little vague, but it’s the best answer. Lines 35-36 say that unpredictability attracted Estabrook to old techniques. If something is unpredictable, it’s out of your control. Yet these old techniques produce exactly the results Estabrook wants.

C. This is true of modern photographs. We have no reason to believe that earlier photographers liked unpredictability. Lines 41-45 say that old photographs removed errors.

D. The second paragraph says Estabrook wants to fool people into thinking his photos are older than they seem. It’s unlikely he thinks this is ethically questionable.

E. This is a stretch. We have no idea if the errors that occur using old techniques can be controlled after the photo is taken, or if they’re instead produced at the moment the photographer takes the picture. Secondly, even if you can affect errors after the fact, Estabrook might believe that it’s the subject of the photo that has the most aesthetic significance.

Answer: B
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Re: When Jayne Hinds Bidaut saw her first tintype, she was so struck by it [#permalink]
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7. The reasoning by which, according to the passage, Estabrook justifies his choice of certain strategies in photographic processing would be most strengthened if which one of the following were true?

Difficulty Level: 700


Lines 38-40 best explain Estabrook’s view.

In his view, time leaches meaning from every photograph and renders it a lost object, enabling us to project onto it our sentiments and associations.

He thinks that, if we believe a photograph is old, then we will add meaning to it. So by creating pictures that seem old, Estabrook gives them new meaning. He also thinks that only old techniques can effectively fool people.

A. CORRECT. This shows that only old techniques can produce the effects that Estabrook wants. People see through fakes produced with modern techniques.

B. This contradicts Estabrook. Lines 38-40 show he thinks feelings are very important to a work’s artistic merit.

C. If people only value accurate pictures, then that weakens Estabrook’s reasoning. His old-style photographs are less accurate than photos made with new techniques.

D. Estabrook’s photos appear old but aren’t actually old. This answer shows people wouldn’t value his work.

E. This is just a fact about new photographic techniques. The fact that they’re getting better says nothing about Estabrook’s artistic goals. He purposefully avoided perfection.

Answer: A
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Re: When Jayne Hinds Bidaut saw her first tintype, she was so struck by it [#permalink]
Thanks for the explanation, Carcass.
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