Here are the list and reviews of top 11 best TOEFL iBT books for 2017.
1. The Official Guide to the TOEFL Test
There are three good things about the Official Gide:

+ 1. It has the most truthful description of what you see on the TOEFL iBT
+ 2. The practice sets at the ends of the chapters
+ 3. The three practice tests on CD (and in the back of the book)
But none of it is perfect, oddly. The description of the test comes with almost no strategy or advice. For example, there is nothing about skipping a text in the reading section or looking at the first question before you start reading. Also, there aren’t very many practice sets for some question types, such as speaking. And one of the practice tests in the back is old and imperfect, from just after ETS had started making iBT, before they made small adjustments to the format. Even the CD is imperfect—the software is not exactly the same as software you’ll use on test day, although it is similar.
But there is still no better way to get realistic practice tests for a low price, and especially to get them on the computer, like a real TOEFL iBT.
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The Official Guide to the TOEFL Test2. Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test
This is an old favorite of mine. Cambridge has two major advantages:

+ 1. There are seven full-length tests on the included CD, and they’re even more similar to the real TOEFL software than is the software on the Official Guide CD.
+ 2. In the book itself, there are hundreds of pages of skill-building materials.
No other book focuses on TOEFL-specific skills like Cambridge does. Take, for example, the process of writing a full essay paragraph. First, you need a main point. Cambridge has an exercise for that. Then, you need an explanation of that point, preferably with specific details. Cambridge has an exercise for that, too. Then, you need a transition into another detail. There’s an exercise for that, of course. If the Complete Guide is “step-by-step,” Cambridge is “step-by-step-by-step.” The skills you need for the TOEFL are broken down incredibly thoroughly.
There are two clear flaws, though:
+ 1. Some practice material is too difficult, and not well written.
+ 2. In order to use half of the skill-building, you need to buy the set of 8 CDs. The book alone does not give you listening exercises, other than what’s on the seven practice tests.
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Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test3. The Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test (iBT edition)

For a student who is studying for over a month and needs some more substantial practice, the Complete Guide is the fastest way to get more high-quality practice material and good skill-building material. It’s not cheap, and it can be a little hard to find, but this book has almost everything a good self-study book should have: loads of material, easy-to-read explanations of strategy, step-by-step training exercises, and audio included (online, for free.) The biggest problem is that there are no answers in the book—you have to buy a separate answer book for that.
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The Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test (iBT edition)4. Longman Preparation Course For The TOEFL IBT® Test

Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL® Test: iBT gives intermediate to high-intermediate students all the tools they need to succeed on the TOEFL® iBT. The Student Book with CD-ROM and the complete Audio CDs (sold separately from the book) develop test-taking skills and provide extensive practice. The interactive CD-ROM provides more practice and simulates the actual test environment.
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Longman Preparation Course For The TOEFL IBT® Test5.Check Your English Vocabulary For TOEFL
Check Your English Vocabulary for TOEFL by Rawdon Wyatt provides a resource for students studying towards the TOEFL® (Test of English as a Foreign Language) exam, which is a requirement for entry for non-native speakers of English at over 6,000 universities in 100 countries worldwide.
This workbook provides a resource for students studying towards the TOEFL® (Test of English as a Foreign Language) exam, which is a requirement for entry for non-native speakers of English at over 8,000 universities in 130 countries worldwide.
Fully updated for this fourth edition, it includes a range of fun activities to help students build and improve their English vocabulary at TOEFL® level, and is suitable for both self-study and classroom use.
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Check Your English Vocabulary For TOEFL6. Barron Essential Words For The TOEFL

List of approximately 500 need-to-know words with definitions is presented for ESL students preparing to take the TOEFL. The book also presents detailed advice on ways that students can expand their English language vocabulary. They will find helpful tips on using a dictionary and a thesaurus to expand word power plus practice tests with answer keys. The tests are designed to help students evaluate their expanding word-learning progress and increased vocabulary in English.
This vocabulary building program is specifically designed for ESL students preparing to take the TOEFL. The book presents an organized list of vocabulary words with definitions, sample sentences, and practice exercises for 500 need-to-know words. It also provides detailed advice on ways in which students can expand their English language vocabulary. Students can test their mastery of TOEFL vocabulary by taking the included practice test with answer key, which is designed to help students evaluate their progress, and increase confidence in their vocabulary skills.
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Barron Essential Words For The TOEFL7. Delta’s Key To The TOEFL IBT: Advanced Skill Practice

Delta s Key to the TOEFL iBT: Advanced Skill Practice is a comprehensive test preparation course for advanced and high intermediate learners of English who are studying for the Test of English as a Foreign Language. The course format works very well in the classroom and for independent study. Ample practice builds the skills and confidence that are keys to success in an English speaking environment.
Features 35 units of study in reading, listening, speaking, and writing Four full length tests in TOEFL iBT format 1,200 questions in the units, quizzes, and tests Answer key, audio script, and score charts Abundant skill practice for 15 weeks of study Nine hours of audio in mp3 format included with the book
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Delta’s Key To The TOEFL IBT: Advanced Skill Practice8. Ace The TOEFL Essay By Timothy Avants

EVERYTHING YOU NEED to write the TOEFL essay with confidence. And the essay, also known as the Test of Written English, is the hardest part of the test-one that keeps many test takers from succeeding. Ace the TOEFL Essay (TWE) gives you simple and clear instruction on what you need to know to score well and provides real essay samples that you can relate to. You’ll get the lowdown on what you need to score high in an easy-to-understand format, with everything from lessons on punctuation to real sample essays, plus more than 50 pages of exercises.
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Ace The TOEFL Essay By Timothy Avants9. Peterson’s Master The TOEFL VocabularyMaster TOEFL Vocabulary book is presented with a friendly, easy-to-understand pictures for your reference. in combination with Master TOEFL Writing Skills and Master TOEFL Reading Skills will help you study, TOEFL review efficiency, not just for TOEFL review that you can also make your document or English vocabulary increases.
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Peterson’s Master The TOEFL Vocabulary10. Cracking The TOEFL IBT
In Cracking the TOEFL iBT, The Princeton Review will teach you how to
Use our preparation strategies and test-taking techniques to raise your score
Focus your reading and listening to identify the key parts of passages, lectures, and conversations
Improve your command of spoken English and your use of good English grammar and vocabulary
Write top-scoring essays by responding to the specific question asked and organizing your ideas clearly
Test your knowledge with review questions and practice drills for each topic covered
All of our practice test questions are just like those on the actual exam, and we explain how to answer every question.
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Cracking The TOEFL IBT11. Barron’s How to Prepare for the TOEFL
There is extensive practice-even for students who don’t have access to a computer. The manual includes a review chapter for each section of the TOEFL, including the new Speaking Section, and presents nine full-length model tests for the Computer-Based TOEFL, with questions answered and explained, along with one full-length model test for the Next Generation TOEFL and a practice test for the TOEFL Academic Speaking Test (TAST), with example answers. This compact disc-and-book package provides the audio versions for the Listening Comprehension sections of all model tests.
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Barron’s How to Prepare for the TOEFL