Based on the popular series of books by George Martin, the show is a staple of the water cooler discourse. But what probably doesn’t enter such conversations often is the fact that George Martin–and by extension the show–wields a pretty sizeable lexicon, as you’ll see below.
There are still those in the Seven Kingdoms who call me ‘usurper’…
–Robert Baratheon to Eddard Stark, Season 1Robert’s Rebellion is also known as the War of the Usurper – though it is generally called this by Targaryen loyalists.
Is that what you tell yourself at night? That you’re a servant of justice? That you were avenging my father when you shoved your sword in Aerys Targaryen’s back?
–Eddard Stark to Jaime Lannister, Season 1Jaime Lannister is known as the kingslayer for committing regicide.
We’ve had vicious kings, and we’ve had idiot kings, but I don’t think we’ve ever been cursed with a vicious idiot for a king!
–Tyrion Lannister, summarizing his nephew Joffrey BaratheonJoffery Baratheon is a sadistic, spoiled child, and these traits are only exacerbated by his ascension to the crown.
He was no dragon. Fire cannot kill a dragon.
–Daenerys Targaryen, about her brother, Viserys Targaryen, to Ser Jorah MormontMuch of her life has been calamitous, but it has made her strong and prepared her for the long hard road ahead.
He would see this country burn if he could be king of the ashes.
–Varys on Petyr Baelish, Season 1Popularly known as Littlefinger, Petyr Baelish, betrays Eddard Stark and sides with the Lannisters, garnering him a reputation as a machinator.
To all the fans of Game Of thrones it would be awesome if you put can contribute tougher vocabulary from the show in this page. Lets see ow many words can we rack up !