| Giver | Post | Date |
| farzanayasmin | If all lawyers and all women in the House of Representative | 22-Oct-2021 |
| farzanayasmin | Approximately what percent of the members of Congress are la | 22-Oct-2021 |
| Mekhala | In censuring the academic committee for apparently being (i) | 22-Oct-2021 |
| farzanayasmin | In how many of the years shown was the average number of pag | 21-Oct-2021 |
| Divu1112 | AB is a diameter of the circle above. | 21-Oct-2021 |
| fjfjfj | Re: The style of Didion‘s Blue Nights is, it‘s true, hesitant, r | 21-Oct-2021 |
| nsa36 | x, y, and z are integers such that (x + 2)(y— 3)(z + 4) = 0. | 21-Oct-2021 |
| nsa36 | In the xy-plane, line n is a line that passes through t | 21-Oct-2021 |
| nsa36 | A weighted coin has a probability p of showing heads. If suc | 21-Oct-2021 |
| nsa36 | Insurance Plan A requires the patient to pay up to the first | 21-Oct-2021 |
| nsa36 | Mike, Scott, Jim, Kate, and Pete each have a different numbe | 21-Oct-2021 |
| rx10 | GRE Math Essentials (2022) | 21-Oct-2021 |
| Mufasa123 | Modesty, while usually befitting, is not immune to excess; a surfeit o | 21-Oct-2021 |
| jesus1821 | On July I the ratio of men to women in Club X was 9 to 20. D | 21-Oct-2021 |
| XavierAlexander | B^2+2AD or (A+D)^2-C^2 | 21-Oct-2021 |
| nadaelnokaly | Re: The enormous distances between stars are not spaces entirely devoid of | 21-Oct-2021 |
| logan7849 | x-y is different from zero | 21-Oct-2021 |
| Mechanical1099 | A distillate flows into an empty 64-gallon drum at spout A a | 21-Oct-2021 |
| Mechanical1099 | A 12-inch ruler is marked off in sixteenths of an inch. What | 21-Oct-2021 |
| chirag95 | If the reciprocal of the negative integer x is greater than | 21-Oct-2021 |
| lockstocknbarrel | The recent publication of the painter Robert Motherwell's s | 21-Oct-2021 |
| lockstocknbarrel | The psychological costs of confinement become apparent when certain ca | 21-Oct-2021 |
| gaurav007 | Before Maria changed jobs, her salary was 24 percent more th | 21-Oct-2021 |
| gaurav007 | The time required to travel d miles at s miles per hour | 21-Oct-2021 |
| HarishKumar | | 21-Oct-2021 |
| arrontij | All GRE PowerPrep Explanations | 21-Oct-2021 |
| KS204 | A retail business has determined that its net income, in ter | 21-Oct-2021 |
| AhmetY | In 1968 the number of union members in the nonmanufacturing | 21-Oct-2021 |
| nadaelnokaly | Re: fact vs speculation | 21-Oct-2021 |
| mariagas | A developer has land that has x feet of lake frontage. The l | 21-Oct-2021 |