Prep Club for GRE

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GeminiHeat owns 3717 Kudos, gave away 1055 Kudos.

k01010An investor purchased a share of non-dividend-paying stock for p dolla24-Oct-2024
k01010At the beginning of year 1, an investor puts [m]p[/m] dollars into an24-Oct-2024
k01010Jeramiah invests his savings of $120,000 by dividing it between two in24-Oct-2024
steveharviWhat is the diagonal of the rectangle shown?23-Oct-2024
avishekraySequence S is defined as a_n = (-1)^n(a_n – 1 + a_n – 2), where a_1 =23-Oct-2024
avishekrayThe sequence f(n) = (2n)! ÷ n! is defined for all positive integer23-Oct-2024
devansshiJeramiah invests his savings of $120,000 by dividing it between two in23-Oct-2024
isaiahmwirigi2At the Freedom Party presidential nominating convention, Candidate Aku23-Oct-2024
phamngocvangiangTwo ants leave simultaneously from a spot on the floor. One23-Oct-2024
intiCertain oil companies have been called poor corporate citizens because22-Oct-2024
risheek3060The current administration and Congress have once again practiced bad22-Oct-2024
kn1234Re: John was flying from San Francisco to New York with a connec22-Oct-2024
risheek3060The chemicals division at Company M spent 4% of its 2008 budget on mar22-Oct-2024
k01010The sequence f(n) = (2n)! ÷ n! is defined for all positive integer22-Oct-2024
k01010S is the infinite sequence S1 = 2, S2 = 22, S3 = 222,...Sk = Sk–1 + 222-Oct-2024
k01010Sequence S is defined as a_n = (-1)^n(a_n – 1 + a_n – 2), where a_1 =22-Oct-2024
chigyvigiIf a, b, c and d are positive integers and a/b < c/d, which of the fol22-Oct-2024
chigyvigiRe: Steve works for 10 hours a day on each day of the month in his office22-Oct-2024
avishekrayA “Sophie Germain” prime is any positive prime number p for which 2p +21-Oct-2024
ARcticonIf, 7a/8 = (a+1)/3, then a =21-Oct-2024
phamngocvangiangA “Sophie Germain” prime is any positive prime number p for which 2p +21-Oct-2024
Ridean29Historians have long thought that America was, from the beginning, pro19-Oct-2024
kn1234The tens digit of 6^17 is17-Oct-2024
ChanchalConsumer advocate: It is generally true, at least in this state, that13-Oct-2024
keeperpeace7In a certain game, a large bag is filled with blue, green, purple and13-Oct-2024
Matty101Letter to the editor: Proposition Q, a controversial measure on this13-Oct-2024
Matty101When a major fire occurs in the city of Springfield, the number of med13-Oct-2024
Matty101Editorial: In order to preserve the health of its local economy, Metro11-Oct-2024
Matty101In a recent psychological survey, participants aged 40 to 60 were aske11-Oct-2024
avishekrayThere are 27 different three-digit integers that can be formed using o11-Oct-2024

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