Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

GreenlightTestPrep owns 12306 Kudos, gave away 136 Kudos.

lzabotkaThere were between 110 and 120 people in a theatre. When they were cou12-Mar-2022
MirAliRe: The diameter of the circle is 1012-Mar-2022
MirAliThe diameter of the circle is 1012-Mar-2022
GjahanRe: ΔBCD   is an equilateral triangle and AB = 1.12-Mar-2022
MirAliIn the figure above, ABCD is a parallelogram.12-Mar-2022
sandeshbhusala, b, and c are integers greater than 112-Mar-2022
MirAliRe: m, p, and x are positive integers12-Mar-2022
XavierAlexanderWhat is the value of 1/2+2/3+3/4+4/5+5/612-Mar-2022
ishanwaliaRe: In the xy-coordinate plane, lines j and k intersect at point11-Mar-2022
CarcassRe: 5p or 9p11-Mar-2022
ishanwaliaRe: Which of the following could be the slope of a line that pas11-Mar-2022
CarcassIf n = 10^10 and n^n = 10^d, what is the value of d?11-Mar-2022
Shraddha22P, Q, and R are three points in a plane, and R does not lie11-Mar-2022
CarcassRe: If |3 - 3x/2| 1, which of the following10-Mar-2022
CarcassWhich of the following shaded intervals is the graph of the inequality10-Mar-2022
MirAliRe: (8 sqrt2-4)^210-Mar-2022
MirAliRe: A deck of n cards contains exactly k marked cards.10-Mar-2022
rose01Which of the following is equivalent to 1,000,00110-Mar-2022
ishanwaliaRe: A baker made a combination of chocolate chip cookies and pea10-Mar-2022
rose01The two lines are tangent to the circle.10-Mar-2022
CarcassRe: 3^x/3^y= (3^x)(3^y)10-Mar-2022
MirAliRe: 2x+1/4-x-1/8=x-1/4-2x+1/810-Mar-2022
CarcassRe: (2x y)^310-Mar-2022
ishanwaliaJim is now 15 years older than Ted. 18 years ago, Jim was twice Ted’s10-Mar-2022
MirAliRe: Which is greater 1/5 or 1/5-1/6+1/7-1/8+1/910-Mar-2022
volcanictempest78Re: The figure above shows a normal distribution with mean m and09-Mar-2022
volcanictempest78If x >= 8 and y <= 3, then it must be true that09-Mar-2022
jabronioRe: If 7x- 4y = -1 and 5x + 3y = 52, then x-y=09-Mar-2022
rose01TRICKY! There are n teams playing in a basketball tournam09-Mar-2022

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