Prep Club for GRE

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GreenlightTestPrep owns 12310 Kudos, gave away 136 Kudos.

Popsickle23Re: The total cost of 3 bananas, 2 apples, and 1 mango is $3.50.19-Jul-2023
Popsickle23At a certain college, the ratio of students to professors is19-Jul-2023
NerdyNut404Re: The ratio of 16 to g is equal to the ratio of g to 49.19-Jul-2023
NerdyNut404Re: Party Cranberry is 3 parts cranberry juice and 1 part seltze19-Jul-2023
abrahamtamru27Re: In the above diagram, the shaded square region is created19-Jul-2023
abrahamtamru27If ABC is an equilateral triangle, and BC=419-Jul-2023
abhaykandela * b = a/b - b/a19-Jul-2023
thanuja119If regular polygon P has between 50 and 60 possible diagonals, how man19-Jul-2023
abrahamtamru27What is the area of a triangle created by the intersections18-Jul-2023
abrahamtamru27If AD = BC, find the value of x18-Jul-2023
jthor38Re: Ted inherited $5700 last year and invested part of it at a18-Jul-2023
abrahamtamru27a + d – c – 9018-Jul-2023
Khushbushah003In a barrel full of apples, 45% of the apples weigh more tha18-Jul-2023
meenu29Re: In a barrel full of apples, 45% of the apples weigh more tha17-Jul-2023
piyush05The system of equations has how many solutions? 3x - 6y = 9 2y - x -16-Jul-2023
abhaykandelIf a, b, c and d are four consecutive integers, and a^b = c^16-Jul-2023
abrahamtamru27If 6x - 7y = 11 and -5y = 13 + 5x, what is the sum of x16-Jul-2023
JenishaShresthaRe: The probability that Maria will eat breakfast on any given d16-Jul-2023
Vishnu12345Positive integer N has k positive divisors, and k has x posi16-Jul-2023
Vishnu12345In the above diagram, what is the value of x?16-Jul-2023
TurboSea21Re: If the probability of choosing 2 red marbles without replac15-Jul-2023
NerdyNut404Re: The sum of four consecutive integers is –2.15-Jul-2023
NerdyNut404Re: x > 0 > y14-Jul-2023
NerdyNut404Re: If p is the sum of all the integers from 1 to 150, inclusive14-Jul-2023
TurboSea21Re: R and S are independent events. The probability of event R14-Jul-2023
TurboSea21Re: Which is greater: 10^7 or 7^10?14-Jul-2023
TurboSea21Re: When a coin is flipped, the probability of getting heads is14-Jul-2023
hikapong529If J = 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + . . . 98 + 100, and K = 1 +14-Jul-2023
abrahamtamru27Re: Which of the following is NOT a root of the equation13-Jul-2023
abrahamtamru27Re: If xy + z = x(y + z), which of the following must be true? A. x = 0 a13-Jul-2023

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