Prep Club for GRE

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GreenlightTestPrep owns 12308 Kudos, gave away 136 Kudos.

ighumaA project requires a rectangular sheet of cardboard satisfyi21-Jul-2022
ighumaThe equation x + y = xy = x/y has how many21-Jul-2022
TasinRe: The random variable X is normally distributed21-Jul-2022
Tawkir01Re: A box contains 1 blue ball, 1 green ball, 1 yellow ball21-Jul-2022
Tawkir01A box contains 1 blue ball, 1 green ball, 1 yellow ball21-Jul-2022
SivhHarishRe: If n is a positive integer and n^2 is divisible by 72, then21-Jul-2022
SivhHarishRe: x and y are positive integers. If the greatest common diviso21-Jul-2022
ighumaHow many positive integers less than 500 begin21-Jul-2022
SivhHarishThe two lines are tangent to the circle.20-Jul-2022
Nis20Re: QOTD#15 When m is divided by 11, the remainder is r.20-Jul-2022
jadipasRe: Polygon SUVNPQ is equilateral and equiangular and TWOR is a20-Jul-2022
CarcassEach new car produced in a certain factory includes at least20-Jul-2022
sujayhegdeRe: x(4 – x)20-Jul-2022
CarcassRe: Today Dave drove from home to work at twice his regular speed and arri20-Jul-2022
sujayhegdexyz > 0 and y>020-Jul-2022
alschwabToday Dave drove from home to work at twice his regular speed and arri20-Jul-2022
jadipasIn the semicircle above, the length of arc AC is equal to t20-Jul-2022
prajyot97What is the sum of the integers from -40 to 60 inclusive?20-Jul-2022
SivhHarishRe: The random variable X is normally distributed19-Jul-2022
eugeOchocA box contains 1 blue ball, 1 green ball, 1 yellow ball19-Jul-2022
ighumaA box contains 1 blue ball, 1 green ball, 1 yellow ball19-Jul-2022
ighumaIn the figure, point D divides side BC of triangle19-Jul-2022
ighumaIn the figure above, A is the center of the circle,19-Jul-2022
ighumaIn the correctly-performed addition above, each letter repre19-Jul-2022
ighumaWhich of the following is equivalent to 1,000,00119-Jul-2022
logan7849The two lines are tangent to the circle.19-Jul-2022
AceallenxxPoints A, B, C, and D are on the number line above19-Jul-2022
ZaighamRe: If J = 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + . . . 98 + 100, and K = 1 +19-Jul-2022
sujayhegdeThe ratio of y to c is equal to the ratio of x to b. x, y, b19-Jul-2022
sujayhegdex < 0 and x > y19-Jul-2022

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