| Giver | Post | Date |
| Andz13 | Re: n is an even integer | 02-May-2021 |
| XavierAlexander | Re: To ensure the development and exploitation of a new technolo | 27-Apr-2021 |
| mayankrajs | Re: The detective's conviction that there were few inept crimes | 26-Apr-2021 |
| mayankrajs | Re: The recent publication of the painter Robert Motherwell's s | 26-Apr-2021 |
| gre29979245 | Re: Cezanne's delicate watercolor sketches often served as | 26-Apr-2021 |
| Asmakan | Re: As long as nations cannot themselves accumulate enough physi | 25-Apr-2021 |
| varunedut | Re: Some customs travel well; often, however, behavior that is | 24-Apr-2021 |
| Carcass | Re: Stories are a haunted genre; hardly (i) kind of story, the g | 22-Apr-2021 |
| RickRoss | Re: OG_VPR # 1 Retrofitted with stabilizing devices, some of wh | 21-Apr-2021 |
| mjalalif | Re: OG_VPR # 1 The media once portrayed the governor as anything | 18-Apr-2021 |
| elchin | Re: The dark regions in the starry night sky are not pockets in | 14-Apr-2021 |
| Carcass | Re: OG_VPR # 2 Factory production made an absence of imperfecti | 12-Apr-2021 |
| Carcass | Re: Belanger dances with an ______ that draws one’s attention | 12-Apr-2021 |
| haha2021 | Re: The dark regions in the starry night sky are not pockets in | 12-Apr-2021 |
| Damtom | Re: OG_VPR # 4 Torpey’s study has turned a seemingly __________ | 11-Apr-2021 |
| haha2021 | Re: Natural selection tends to eliminate genes that cause inheri | 09-Apr-2021 |
| Sohel | Re: QOTD #11 Even the _________ and alluring charms | 05-Apr-2021 |
| fuenfbrote2fische | Re: The recent publication of the painter Robert Motherwell's s | 04-Apr-2021 |
| Carcass | Re: Unfortunately, his damaging attacks on the ramifications of | 02-Apr-2021 |
| ShoumicShahid | Re: The recent publication of the painter Robert Motherwell's s | 01-Apr-2021 |
| ShoumicShahid | Re: The (i) _____ nature of classical tragedy in Athens | 31-Mar-2021 |
| aniruddha23 | Re: OG_VPR # 2 Although cosmic objects have struck Earth since t | 29-Mar-2021 |
| annieandco | z - x or y | 23-Mar-2021 |
| alphabeta | Re: Ironically, Carver's precision in sketching lives on the edg | 23-Mar-2021 |
| yaminiguru | It has been argued that politics as (i) ___, whatever its tr | 22-Mar-2021 |
| aniruddha23 | Re: Scholars' sense of the uniqueness of the central.... | 21-Mar-2021 |
| aniruddha23 | Re: During the opera's most famous aria the tempo chosen by the | 21-Mar-2021 |
| yaminiguru | Re: The recent change to all-volunteer armed forces in the Unite | 20-Mar-2021 |
| Xander | Re: While the delegate clearly sought to (i) ____the optimism t | 16-Mar-2021 |
| LoserKhing | Re: Without seeming unworldly, William James appeared wholly re | 15-Mar-2021 |