Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

chetan2u owns 477 Kudos, gave away 0 Kudos.

jthor38To fill a larger concert hall, a madrigal singing group cons05-Jun-2023
DibyaJoyRe: How many integers between 1 and 10^21 are such that the sum30-May-2023
Nayem117Re: While driving from city A to city B, a car got 22 miles per30-May-2023
Souvick97Re: |a| > |d|21-May-2023
nazarene0To fill a larger concert hall, a madrigal singing group cons16-May-2023
nazarene0The least prime factor of16-May-2023
rijulguptaTo fill a larger concert hall, a madrigal singing group cons04-May-2023
LingarajuRe: Which of the following must be true of the angles marke03-May-2023
CarcassTo fill a larger concert hall, a madrigal singing group cons15-Apr-2023
CarcassRe: The average (arithmetic mean) of a, b, c and d is 715-Apr-2023
AzmainAdilRe: The popular notion that a tree’s age can be determined by co29-Mar-2023
nikitapRe: A club has exactly 3 men and 7 women as members. If two memb16-Mar-2023
nikitapRe: A certain jewelry store sells customized pendants in which t15-Mar-2023
PrakshiRe: If for a ≠ 0 and b ≠ 009-Mar-2023
fatinnzRe: A bag has 20 marbles that are either black or white.23-Feb-2023
Kimberly99Re: xy > 015-Feb-2023
Kimberly99Re: 4,400 participants in a study were surveyed regarding side13-Feb-2023
prantaRe: In the figure, point D divides side BC of triangle05-Feb-2023
jewelschRe: In the above figure, which one of the following COULD13-Jan-2023
sg65729Number property - all you require04-Jan-2023
IffatkRemainders - What you should know02-Jan-2023
IffatkAbsolute modulus - A better understanding02-Jan-2023
CarcassRe: In the figure, ABCD is a square, and all the dots are evenly30-Dec-2022
AP001Re: Lines m and n intersect to the right of the picture.27-Dec-2022
AP001Re: In the figure above, side lengths AB, BD, and DC are all equ18-Dec-2022
CarcassRe: 10 teams (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I and J) participate15-Dec-2022
pattypatRe: XY = YZ27-Nov-2022
MattM715Re: A project requires a rectangular sheet of cardboard satisfyi23-Nov-2022
lofcourtJohn rolls a fair six-sided die with faces numbered 1 throug16-Nov-2022

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