Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

eldorado21 owns 103 Kudos, gave away 31 Kudos.

Tade234Re: 2 sides in both the triangles ABC and DEF are 5 and 10 respectively.01-Mar-2025
OlgahadjigeorgiouRe: Marie has two electronic beepers: one beeps 5 times every 90 seconds13-Sep-2024
AlbresA Marxist sociologist has argued that racism stems from the04-Jun-2024
GbemilekeRe: 465 pet owners were surveyed to determine whether they owned16-May-2024
Murshed4746Re: How many positive integers less than 500 begin07-Dec-2023
nsieglerRe: Marie has two electronic beepers: one beeps 5 times every 90 seconds25-Aug-2023
sonu96Re: Marie has two electronic beepers: one beeps 5 times every 90 seconds18-Jul-2023
Candidate2023Re: What is the remainder when 3x^{2n+3} - 4x^{2n+2} + 5x^{2n+1} - 811-Jan-2023
bhagyasriRe: If apples sell for $0.68 per pound and Juanita bought 36 app06-Jan-2023
bhagya5678Re: A mixture contains nothing but water and acetone in a ratio06-Dec-2022
aakh1909S be the set of all positive integers n such that n^216-Sep-2022
LMocRe: 2 sides in both the triangles ABC and DEF are 5 and 10 respectively.24-Aug-2022
CarcassRe: In college M the average16-Aug-2022
MannVora1729Re: Improvement in the quality of basic demographic data and the care with23-Jul-2022
habib1507008Re: 2 sides in both the triangles ABC and DEF are 5 and 10 respectively.30-Jun-2022
Evans97Re: How many positive integers less than 500 begin04-Jan-2022
saptadas1809Whereas at the time of the El Paso incident the predominant19-Dec-2021
chilakapreethiRe: In 1998 the amount of household financial assets in mutual f22-Oct-2021
KnotaiRe: The journalism professor's first lecture tackled (i) itself,17-Sep-2021
DreamerIn 1990 the rainfall in City X during April was09-Sep-2021
godknows2021Re: The journalism professor's first lecture tackled (i) itself,08-Sep-2021
Saquib9074S be the set of all positive integers n such that n^231-Aug-2021
FaizNasimRe: The journalism professor's first lecture tackled (i) itself,08-Aug-2021
shriyapanditaS be the set of all positive integers n such that n^204-Aug-2021
theslothS be the set of all positive integers n such that n^231-Jul-2021
poorvirautRe: How many positive integers less than 500 begin25-Jul-2021
mrk9414Re: Marie has two electronic beepers: one beeps 5 times every 90 seconds24-Jul-2021
MaksRe: 465 pet owners were surveyed to determine whether they owned28-Jun-2021
aniruddha23Re: Because the people of India were under British rule, many went over t25-Jun-2021
aniruddha23Re: Although the physical setup of the school's lunch-room seems rundown i24-Jun-2021

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