Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

huda owns 733 Kudos, gave away 161 Kudos.

elik9335A box contains 10 pairs of shoes (20 shoes in total). If two04-Jan-2024
elik9335A: {71,73,79,83,87} B:{57,59,61,67} If one number is select04-Jan-2024
ummaysumaiya001Re: Profit Per Student (in Dollars) at Dan’s Dojo,28-Dec-2023
WinnieppaulRe: A weighted coin has a probability p of showing heads. If suc27-Dec-2023
nurirachelA secretary types 4 letters and then addresses the 413-Dec-2023
Andrew12498In the xy-plane, what is the y-intercept of the line that pa10-Dec-2023
Murshed4746A secretary types 4 letters and then addresses the 407-Dec-2023
yasir1A certain boat sales lot sells both sailboats and boats that24-Nov-2023
yasir1Whenever Art Dealer sells a sculpture, he earns a 20 percent23-Nov-2023
yasir1In a certain parking lot at 10:00 am, the ratio of trucks to21-Nov-2023
Andrew12498Cars A and B are traveling from Town X to Town Y on the same09-Nov-2023
Arvind007The reciprocal of x’s non-integer decimal part equals x + 1,08-Nov-2023
THR78Albert was driving on a straight highway, from Edenborough06-Nov-2023
MN330If a right triangle has area 28 and hypotenuse 12, what is i02-Nov-2023
NikchowsThe judge cared not one whit for ____________ and would libe02-Nov-2023
Andrew12498The reciprocal of x’s non-integer decimal part equals x + 1,01-Nov-2023
MN330Cars A and B are traveling from Town X to Town Y on the same29-Oct-2023
attiyaRe: If (3, 5) and (4, 9) are points on line L, which of the foll11-Oct-2023
Andrew12498The probability of event X occurring is the same as the prob08-Oct-2023
TanvirAzamRe: At a convention of monsters, 2/5 have no horns,06-Oct-2023
UmeshtupThe probability of event X occurring is the same as the prob01-Oct-2023
nashifCars A and B are traveling from Town X to Town Y on the same01-Oct-2023
SadiHurayvThe reciprocal of x’s non-integer decimal part equals x + 1,25-Sep-2023
Mani13Cars A and B are traveling from Town X to Town Y on the same24-Sep-2023
Hamza998Re: The quantity will end in how many zeros15-Sep-2023
MdKaifKhanIn a certain parking lot at 10:00 am, the ratio of trucks to05-Sep-2023
hamjadThe probability of event X occurring is the same as the prob05-Sep-2023
venk101Albert was driving on a straight highway, from Edenborough04-Sep-2023
piyush05To describe a style as Faulknerian or Beckettian or Nabokovi24-Aug-2023
SwapnilJhaTo describe a style as Faulknerian or Beckettian or Nabokovi20-Aug-2023

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