Prep Club for GRE

Kudos owned by the user

kruttikaaggarwal owns 150 Kudos, gave away 0 Kudos.

yash239Re: The state of California recently adopted legislation that re01-May-2021
arjunbirSince Harvey’s methods were found to be unethical05-Apr-2021
COolguy101Number of Hours worked by an average employee at Banana Inc.03-Apr-2021
jbbbatisteNumber of Hours worked by an average employee at Banana Inc.03-Mar-2021
altdataguyIn how many ways can 4 boys and 3 girls be seated at a round24-Feb-2021
soniaRe: For much of the twentieth century, paleontologists theorized23-Feb-2021
kashishkhatriRe: Political Analyst: “Although citizens of this state normally31-Jan-2021
amitnathguptaSince Harvey’s methods were found to be unethical27-Jan-2021
ashdo88Re: If 5 senators are Catholic Democrats, how many senators are20-Jan-2021
CarcassRe: Political Analyst: “Although citizens of this state normally14-Jan-2021
Jiji91Re: Jan and 5 other children are in a classroom. The principal o13-Jan-2021
rydercourtney1Re: x is a positive, odd integer.04-Dec-2020
mcsampsonRe: In a survey, 130 people were asked how many movies they had26-Sep-2020
TheGrekingRe: If s denotes the sum of the integers from 1 to 30, inclusive13-Sep-2020
TheGrekingRe: In 1980 the number of dollars of advertising revent. was how16-Jul-2020
CarcassRe: If 5 senators are Catholic Democrats, how many senators are21-Jun-2020
GeethanjalikotaruRe: In a survey, 130 people were asked how many movies they had15-Jun-2020
kashsinRe: The random variable X is normally distributed30-May-2020
salsabilgulRe: The circles shown are tangent at point B. Point A is the ce20-May-2020
CarcassRe: The percent decrease in average daily circulation from 196021-Apr-2020
Towkir725Re: Jan and 5 other children are in a classroom. The principal o05-Apr-2020
CarcassRe: If *x is defined as the square of one-half of x, what is the08-Jan-2020
charu2209Re: A table made entirely from the trunk of a tree said to have14-Dec-2019
NelliRe: y + 5 =2121-Nov-2019
suchiRe: Jan and 5 other children are in a classroom. The principal o11-Oct-2019
feibaobaoRe: Which of the following statements can be inferred from the d07-Oct-2019
CarolineLim12Re: Quant: "the difference between x & y"25-Sep-2019
CarolineLim12Re: How to increase my Quant score of 141 to 165 in 2 weeks?25-Sep-2019
vanjaninikhilRe: climate by becoming a possible source of global atmospheric18-Sep-2019
CarcassRe: At its highest point, what was the approximate ratio of fede27-Aug-2019

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