| Giver | Post | Date |
| lawowusu | Re: GRE Math Challenge #55-If x^2 +2x -15 = -m | 10-Nov-2022 |
| harshdesai78 | A certain (i) _______is expected | 13-Oct-2022 |
| kshikhar94 | A certain (i) _______is expected | 12-Oct-2022 |
| TusharM98 | A certain (i) _______is expected | 25-Sep-2022 |
| Bhargavi444 | As a bicycle salesperson | 24-Sep-2022 |
| HimaK | Re: If x>0, and two sides of a certain triangle | 12-Sep-2022 |
| KC15 | Re: If x>0, and two sides of a certain triangle | 05-Sep-2022 |
| assasins | As a bicycle salesperson | 02-Sep-2022 |
| Tiredsoul | A certain (i) _______is expected | 22-Aug-2022 |
| adhirajrao26 | As a bicycle salesperson | 14-Aug-2022 |
| RajatGovil | Bag A contains red, white and blue marbles | 28-Jul-2022 |
| noush | The average (arithmetic mean) of 4 different integers is 75. | 26-Jul-2022 |
| falguniVaidya | Bag A contains red, white and blue marbles | 21-Jul-2022 |
| vt123 | Bag A contains red, white and blue marbles | 21-Jul-2022 |
| nazbuzz | As a bicycle salesperson | 24-Jun-2022 |
| Tarun123 | If the sum of two distinct natural numbers is 50, then what | 23-Jun-2022 |
| PreranaN | The average (arithmetic mean) of 4 different integers is 75. | 19-Jun-2022 |
| Jowjao36 | Re: If x>0, and two sides of a certain triangle | 18-Jun-2022 |
| Amelia44 | If x>0, and two sides of a certain triangle | 13-Jun-2022 |
| ShivaniJadhav | The average (arithmetic mean) of 4 different integers is 75. | 07-Jun-2022 |
| Iftekhar169 | The average (arithmetic mean) of 4 different integers is 75. | 26-May-2022 |
| mbhalla11 | As a bicycle salesperson | 18-May-2022 |
| navyak98 | If x>0, and two sides of a certain triangle | 15-May-2022 |
| navyak98 | As a bicycle salesperson | 12-May-2022 |
| GAmrutha | Although never one to (i) _______life’s pleasures, only rece | 01-May-2022 |
| Subham31 | Although never one to (i) _______life’s pleasures, only rece | 26-Apr-2022 |
| rajeshkmr549 | Although never one to (i) _______life’s pleasures, only rece | 21-Mar-2022 |
| addionyx | Although never one to (i) _______life’s pleasures, only rece | 19-Feb-2022 |
| aradhya9873 | As a bicycle salesperson | 08-Feb-2022 |
| Chaithraln2499 | x and y are positive integers | 05-Feb-2022 |