Prep Club for GRE

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sandy owns 11320 Kudos, gave away 0 Kudos.

Bahar9126A bag contains 6 black chips numbered 1–6 respectively and 607-Nov-2021
AkshayB1996Re: If | x + 1 | <= 5 and | y — 1| <= 5, what is the least07-Nov-2021
AkshayB1996Re: The perimeter of square S is 40. Square T is inscribed in sq07-Nov-2021
gaurav007The sequence a1, a2, a3, …, an is defined by an = 9 + an – 107-Nov-2021
gaurav007For which of the following functions f(x) is f(a + b) = f(a)07-Nov-2021
SkillzStudents may consider modernist works such as James Joyce’s06-Nov-2021
deonjamyThe preening emperor loved to display sartorial splendor06-Nov-2021
maksudatomaRe: x > 0 and x^4 = 62506-Nov-2021
gaurav007Amy deposited $1,000 into an account that earns 8% annual in06-Nov-2021
lockstocknbarrelQOTD#14 If w is a non-positive integer, which of the06-Nov-2021
Hunter333Re: General McClellan focused so intently on the petty, logistic06-Nov-2021
hkmhjEach term of a certain sequence is calculated by adding a pa06-Nov-2021
Hunter333Re: Notwithstanding the mishmash of worn tools littering every06-Nov-2021
saikalyanram9Text Competion #Q85-the host organisms must05-Nov-2021
Premkk91Re: The random variable X is normally distributed05-Nov-2021
MiteshRe: If k is a multiple of 24 but not a multiple of 16, which of05-Nov-2021
chaalaGREA polygon has 12 edges. How many different diagonals does it05-Nov-2021
Mechanical1099Re: 18. If (7, 3) is the center of the circle above, then the05-Nov-2021
Hunter333Re: Americans who were the first to fight fascism in Spain durin05-Nov-2021
Hunter333Jackson’s supporters praised his earthy speech as evidence04-Nov-2021
jjoseDBC is an equilateral triangle/ ABD is an isosceles triangle04-Nov-2021
Hunter333Re: Children who are recognized as preternaturally intelligent o04-Nov-2021
jjoseRe: DBC is an equilateral triangle/ ABD is an isosceles triangle04-Nov-2021
jjosea + b + c vs 18004-Nov-2021
Usman391Ramon wants to cut a rectangular board into identical square04-Nov-2021
jjoseQOTD#12 x, y, and z are the lengths of the sides of a triang04-Nov-2021
Mahedi12322Re: D, E, and F are midpoints04-Nov-2021
kenjiIf x2 – 2xy = 84 and x – y = –10, what is the value of |y|?03-Nov-2021
XavierAlexanderIf k is a multiple of 24 but not a multiple of 16, which of03-Nov-2021
ryokimIn the figure above, triangle RST is inscribed in a circle.03-Nov-2021

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