Prep Club for GRE

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sandy owns 11320 Kudos, gave away 0 Kudos.

yeandasIn a certain sequence, the term an is defined by the formula24-May-2020
DivsahibRe: Point A (– 4, 2) and Point B (2, 4) lie in the xy-coordinate24-May-2020
salsabilgulRe: The length of rectangle B is 10 percent less than the length24-May-2020
salsabilgulRe: If the diameter of circle C is 3 times the diameter of circl24-May-2020
salsabilgulRe: If each of the average ratings was the arithmetic mean of th24-May-2020
salsabilgulRe: In a survey, 100 travel agents each ranked Airlines ​ A ​ ,24-May-2020
salsabilgulRe: O ​is the center of the circle, and the perimeter of Δ AOB24-May-2020
NelliRe: The chairman’s ____(i)____ comments about the environmental23-May-2020
salsabilgulRe: S be the set of all positive integers n such that n^223-May-2020
nonfloweringplantShorter GRE Score Percentiles23-May-2020
FarinaRe: If 2x=3y=4z=20, then 12xyz =22-May-2020
shift5105Re: If xy^2 = 12 and xy = 4, then x =22-May-2020
charishmasingiFor 5 hours, a photocopier copied at a constant rate of 221-May-2020
snufflekinsHow do top universities view graduate applicants21-May-2020
salsabilgulRe: The quantities S and T are positive and are related by the e20-May-2020
salsabilgulRe: The ratio of the number of male freshmen to the number of fe20-May-2020
salsabilgulRe: Last year Kate spent between ¼ and ⅓of her gross income on h20-May-2020
salsabilgulRe: In the triangle PQRS, PS=SR20-May-2020
salsabilgulRe: The average (arithmetic mean) of 100 measurements is 23,20-May-2020
suhw33tRe: Serling’s account of his employer’s reckless decision making20-May-2020
gauravvyasRe: QOTD#14 When x is divided by 3, the remainder is 1. When x20-May-2020
Anubhav2147Re: What is the least integer n such that19-May-2020
MahadiRe: |x|y > x|y|18-May-2020
MahadiRe: –1 < a < 0 < |a| < b < 118-May-2020
foxyfairyRe: In a class of 25 students, each student studies either Spani17-May-2020
efrataRe: QOTD #8 When the decimal point of a certain positive decimal16-May-2020
NelliRe: The doctor’s real mistake, from the perspective of his15-May-2020
NelliRe: The protestors acknowledged the leader’s appeal to15-May-2020
rhythmtiwariRe: In the figure, lines l, m, and n intersect at O. Which one o11-May-2020
shift5105Re: A circle is inscribed in a square with sides of length 509-May-2020

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