Prep Club for GRE

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sandy owns 11030 Kudos, gave away 394 Kudos.

jthor38In 8 years, Polly’s age, which is currently p, will be twice18-Jul-2023
NerdyNut404Re: Carlos runs a lap around the track in x seconds. His second18-Jul-2023
NerdyNut404Re: A team of 8 chefs produce 3,200 tarts in 5 days. All chefs p18-Jul-2023
NerdyNut404Re: Akilah traveled at a rate of x miles per hour for 2x hours.18-Jul-2023
NerdyNut404Re: Working continuously 24 hours a day, a factory bottles Soda18-Jul-2023
DwayneText Completion #Q70-concentrations of a potentially hazard18-Jul-2023
Popsickle23Re: QOTD#22 What is the tenths digit of the quotient when17-Jul-2023
meenu29QOTD#22 What is the tenths digit of the quotient when17-Jul-2023
meenu29A container is full. After 4/5 liters of its contents17-Jul-2023
abhaykandelFor some time, scientists refused to believe that Earth’s17-Jul-2023
meenu29Profit Per Student (in Dollars) at Dan’s Dojo,17-Jul-2023
jthor38In a certain sequence, the term an is defined by the formula17-Jul-2023
meenu29QOTD#25 The price of Mabel’s car, not including interest, is17-Jul-2023
abhaykandelAlthough they stood with the congressman in a tenuous17-Jul-2023
abhaykandelThe (i) _________ young employee was soon (ii) _________ for17-Jul-2023
abhaykandelDismissed by the establishment, professing nothing but17-Jul-2023
michaseyiHe has such a pleasingly (i) _________ personality that it’s17-Jul-2023
Popsickle23Re: A gang of criminals hijacked a train heading due south. At e17-Jul-2023
Popsickle23Re: Running on a 10-mile loop in the same direction, Sue ran at17-Jul-2023
NerdyNut404Re: In 8 years, Polly’s age, which is currently p, will be twice16-Jul-2023
NerdyNut404Re: If Mason is now twice as old as Gunther was 10 years ago, an16-Jul-2023
NerdyNut404Re: A certain dog kennel houses only collies, labs, and golden16-Jul-2023
RythmThe average (arithmetic mean) of fifteen consecutive integer16-Jul-2023
RythmWhat is the remainder when 13^17 + 17^13 is divided by 10?16-Jul-2023
RythmFor all real numbers a and b, the operation ⊕ is defined by16-Jul-2023
RythmIf twice 4,632 is divided by 100, what is the tenths digit?16-Jul-2023
RythmIn a regular n-sided polygon, the measure of a single angle16-Jul-2023
Vishnu12345If x is a number such that 0 < x ≤ 20, for how many values o16-Jul-2023
Vishnu12345If powdered drink mix costs c cents per ounce and p pounds o16-Jul-2023
AristaWhile driving from city A to city B, a car got 22 miles per16-Jul-2023

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