Prep Club for GRE
January 04, 2025

Joined: Sep 30, 2024

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Course Target Test Prep The Target Test Prep GRE

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I needed at least 164 on the quantitative section, and I took the GRE, scoring 154. So, I subscribed to the one-month GRE course at Target Test Prep, since its reputation is very high. First, I took the diagnostic test, which enabled me to identify the subjects and questions I was getting right but, most importantly, the questions and topics I was getting wrong. With that information in hand, I focused mainly on my weaknesses. The vast number of available questions and the way they were designed helped me a lot in preparing to retake the GRE. I was able to complete dozens of questions and learn from my weaknesses, transforming them into strengths on test day. In addition, the review questions helped me keep what I already knew fresh, while allowing me to continue practicing and pacing myself. This made a huge difference on test day. I felt really prepared, which led to a score of 166 in the quantitative section in just one month—a 12-point increase—thanks to Target Test Prep!

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