Prep Club for GRE
February 01, 2017

Joined: Feb 01, 2017

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Prep Course Ready


Improvement 20 Points

Course Kaplan GRE Prep - In Person

Location Boston (Back Bay), MA USA

The Kaplan course prepared me well for the GRE sections. One of the most useful aspects of this course was the breakdown of the practice tests. They would let you know what you needed to really focus on, and in doing that allowed me to target my studying better. The instructors were very helpful at answering questions and stayed after class to work in depth with anyone who had longer questions.

Another thing that Kaplan really helped me with was my confidence. Upon beginning studying for the GRE, I was so nervous even saying the word would make me nauseous. The breakdown that Kaplan did of the units and laying out all of the assignments ahead of time allowed me to schedule my studying in a stress-free way. At the end of the course, I felt very confident in my ability.

One thing that could have been improved was my quantitative instructor. She was very smart and capable, however she could do a lot of math on the spot in her head and it was sometimes difficult to follow her train of thought.

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