Re: Even the most (i) of glances at one of Vincent van Gogh's paintings wi
18 Dec 2024, 13:56
If van Gogh has a highly distinctive style, it probably does not require much time or effort to get a feel for it; the sentence is probably supposed to mean something like even the idlest... or even the briefest... so look for an adjective along those lines. Perspicacious (having keen mental judgment or discerning) will not work, given that it implies a good deal of knowledge. A jaundiced viewpoint would be unlikely to help you learn anything new; it is generally best to regard a work of art as objectively as possible, and jaundiced means affected with prejudice. Cursory (hasty or superficial) is the correct answer.
When working on the second blank, consider the phrases bold brushstrokes and unusual emotional intensity; whichever adjective we choose to modify colors needs to fit into the overall description of van Gogh's painting. Do not pick incarnadine simply because it looks like it may have something to do with colors; it can mean either blood-red or fleshcolored, so you should ask yourself if an artist is likely to paint only in shades of red. Unless neither of the other answers makes sense, this is probably not your best bet - eliminate it. Funereal (mournful or dismal) colors sound as if they might be muted; unless the emotional intensity of van Gogh's painting is of a consistently gloomy sort, this is probably not the best choice. The correct answer is dynamic (characterized by force of personality, ambition, energy, new ideas, etc).
For the last blank, we need to find a word to describe a struggle with mental illness. If van Gogh's mental illness was only affected (assumed artificially or feigned), the passage would certainly make note of it. Iniquitous (wicked, sinful) implies moral condemnation, which is surely unwarranted in the case of an illness. The correct answer is harrowing, which means extremely distressing or grievous.