This is part of our
GRE Math Essentials project & GRE Math Essentials - A most comprehensive handout!!! that are the best complement to our
GRE Math Book. It provides a cutting-edge, in-depth overview of all the math concepts from basic to mid-upper levels. The book still remains our hallmark: from basic to the most advanced GRE math concepts tested during the exam. Moreover, the following chapters will give you many tips, tricks, and shortcuts to make your quant preparation more robust and solid.
Many students believe that the GRE sections are easy, especially when they achieve a good mastering of the key concepts. However, it is the case that their own accuracy is limping. Why? Most students attribute this to “silly” or “careless” mistakes that they could have avoided. Even worse, they do not fully address this grey zone in future review and preparation. In other words, they do not fix this because they are confident in their math skills and that the only way to bypass this situation is to stay more attentive. As a result, they end up being stuck in mid 70 percentile scores at best with very mediocre accuracy in quant.
The real reason for the aforementioned scenario is that the students themselves believe first that the GRE is a test about math, concepts, solve questions per se. The truth is that the GRE is a strategy test. It is conceived and implemented to make the test-takers pick certain types of answers, which are wrong, even though they are proficient in that math area. In other words: I know everything about number properties and still get some questions wrong.
1) Read the question carefullyWhile you are reading the question stem, you mustn't miss
any word. Even the most minuscule detail IS important: a word, a shift in the argument, a comma, a preposition. After all, if that element is there, then there is a specific and valid reason WHY is there. If you miss out on crucial details in the question stem, you will find yourself either wasting a lot of time or picking an incorrect answer.
Read everything carefully and methodically. Focus when you read. Make sure that you understand the main point of each sentence and the key concepts in each problem. if you do not fully grasp what you are reading -
reread it !
Suppose I produce 100 hammers. And I buy a new machine that will permit me to produce the double amount in still one hour.
What is the
increase in production of What is the
increased production Notice how the first statement implies I can produce 100 more hammers in the same amount of time.
The second implies that OVERALL I can produce in one hour 200 hammers. OVERALL
2) Use your scratch paperWhether the question requires you to do simple math calculations or use the calculator, make it a rule to use your scratch paper instead. Organize your work. Get used to performing a systematic job. This way, you will not lose track of the work you are doing, even though it looks straightforward to ask yourself: " it is the case to jot down how it does 2+2". The answer is NO, of course. However, the idea is to be organized. No room for errors or improvisation during the time we solve a question. More relevant if this question is tough.
The more a question or a single step appears simple, the more we tend to solve that step mentally. There is nothing wrong with that. But, for instance, we have the following two systems of equations.
4x + 2y = 23
–(3x+ 3y = 22)
The result is obviously x-y=1.
The case is that we tend to solve mentally: of x is positive in the first one and negative in the second, as such we can subtract the second from the first, and we do have take the chance of y......and we spent 5 minutes only to do this process in our mind.
Jot down. Make the subtraction. Take the result. Move on
3) Deal with Conversions carefullyMany avoidable mistakes happen because unit conversions end up being treated carelessly.
Runner A ran \(\frac{4}{5}\) kilometer and Runner B ran 800 meters.
Quantity A |
Quantity B |
The distance that A ran |
The distance that B ran |
Just make sure to follow these easy steps in sequence.
Runner A = D= R*T. He run 4/5 kilometers which are = 800 meters
D= 800R
Runner B =D=800R
4) Ask always and constantly to yourself: WHY?You need to understand what the question is actually testing you on
- What is the question asking me to find?
- What information do I have to help me solve this question?
- What information do I need to solve this question?
5) Do not skip: solve!It would be best if you were organized and follow a methodical process. If not that, you will make mistakes that will make your accuracy drop. Make sure you learn the correct steps to approaching different question formats or approach the same question with several approaches, i.e., to solve a question with more than one method, possible at least two.
Ensure that you follow each step for every question you practice.
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