Hi Folks,
I am very excited today
PrimuVerbum a well-established preparation company since 2015, of which one of the verbal experts is also a moderator here on GRE Prep Club
HarishKumar, has offered for FREE to all of our students a vocabulary list for the GRE in PDF edition for FREE.
The company is based in
Bangalore, of course, where else

, and offers a cutting-edge preparation for the three main exams for leading Schools: SAT, GRE, and GMAT.
To be honest, there is nothing new under the sun; we do have almost countless word-list for the GRE vocabulary. However, I am impressed by the
following strong points:
- the simplicity of the list: each word is matched with the exact pronunciation, which is quite important because in standard English two words could appear similar if not identical but they have a different meaning or usage in context. The pronunciation could come in handy;
- easy to digest;
- the three aspects of each word are on point: the meaning, the usage, and the synonyms of the same. All three are very straight and well crafted to give a sense of the word and its usage as a tool. You remember it almost immediately;
- portable in PDF edition;
- over 280 words carved ONLY and SOLELY from the GRE official material: ETS Official Guides and the Big Book;
- look and feel very captivating: the color is the lovely official GRE color;
- last but not least, it is FREE. No limit or gimmicks.
- some typos in the meaning example sentences which are irrelevant and nothing contributes to the relevancy of the work from the guys at Primus.
So please guys, download it and possibly give us feedback. We are here to hear from you.
Enjoy and have a good study.
GRE Prep Club Team.
PS: Primus is in any way affiliate or endorsed by the GRE Prep Club and its board of directors.
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