How Much Time Should You Commit to GRE Studying Every Week?
đź‘‹ Hello, my friends at GRE Prep Club!
Here’s the thing: you have a busy life. You may have school, work, family, and friends, and other demands on your time. Thus, it may be difficult to carve out the necessary GRE study time as well.
Look at the big picture: an outstanding GRE score can help you gain admission to a highly reputable school in your discipline. This, in turn, leads to more options for your future. As you can see, an exceptional GRE score is a worthwhile short-term investment that may pay big dividends for the rest of your life!
To reach your goal score, approach GRE studying in the same way that world-class athletes approach practice: it’s a necessity. Don’t make a half-hearted statement like, “I will try to study every day.” It shows desire but not commitment. Instead, make specific study goals, set timelines, and stick to them.
Studying at least 15 hours each week is a realistic goal. 15 hours is enough time to ensure that you learn and retain information, but it is not excessive to the point of overload. If you were to study for just one hour each weekday and 5 hours on each weekend day, you would meet the 15-hour goal.
Remember, your GRE prep will last for just a few months. You’ve survived some tough academic semesters in the past, so you have the skills to make it through a few challenging months of GRE prep. And keep in mind the potential payoff of that excellent score!
Warmest regards,
Scott Woodbury-StewartFounder & CEO,
Target Test Prep