The "How do I convert my GPA/ Percentage" continues to be raised every now and then, especially by graduates of Indian colleges. This post is for those of you who are still tearing their hair out over this one, or those wondering what all the fuss is about. If you don't fall into either of these categories, move on; there's nothing to see here

I hope after reading this post your understanding about this is clear.
Before we start, one thing I want to be absolutely clear about:
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For those in a rush, click here to reveal the spoiler Never convert your GPA/ percentage unless explicitly asked to do so.
Before diving in, let's take a moment to understand the grading practice in both countries.
Grading Strategy in the US
Grades | Grade Points |
A | 4 |
A- | 3.67 |
B+ | 3.33 |
B | 3 |
B- | 2.67 |
C+ | 2.33 |
C | 2 |
C- | 1.67 |
D+ | 1.33 |
D | 1.0 |
D- | 0.67 |
F | 0 |
Grading Strategy in India
Most colleges in India either use a 10 point scale known as the CGPA (Cumulative GPA), or just plain percentages. The 10 point scale can be either relative (as is the case with most of the elite colleges such as the IITs, NITs, and BITS Pilani), or absolute, in which case it would just be the percentage divided by 10

. There are some well known State government colleges like Jadavpur University which has its own CGPA system and also provide students with percentage points which are different or not divided by 10.
Also, the degree is classified as First Class, Second Class or Pass depending on the CGPA/ Percentage.
Why should I convert?
Because there is no way in which anyone can precisely convert your CGPA onto a scale of 4 (like in the US/UK universities).
Having said that, most of the Universities (Except a few like Columbia, Not so sure confirm this by yourself) accept your CGPA/CPI/CG on the scale of 10 because anyway in the end you are going to be gauged according to your fellow batch-mates performance when you apply for masters. However, if you really want to convert there are ways to do it as discussed in the following paragraph.
How do I convert my CGPA/ percentage?
If it is really that important for you to convert there are organisations viz third party who will do it for you for a premium cost. All You have to do it is to send all your transcripts to them. Like the
Wikipedia (free of course)
Percentage | 10 point CGPA | Equivalent GPA | US Grade Equivalent | Classification |
60-100 | 6-10 | 4 | A | First Class/ Distinction |
50-59 | 5-6 | 3.5 | B+ | Second Class |
40-49 | 4-5 | 3 | B | Pass |
<40 | <4 | 2 | C | Fail |
World Education Services (WES)
Scale | Equivalent GPA | U.S. Grade Equiv. |
60-100 | 4 | A |
55-59 | 3.5 | B+ |
50-54 | 3 | B |
43-49 | 2.5 | C+ |
35-42 | 2 | C |
0-34 | 0 | F |
If you have any info that supports/ lends a different light to the above information, please do post below. Thanks!