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Re: In Anglo-Saxon times, the monastic tribes made _____ [#permalink]
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This is a short yet tricky question. It is good as one.

There are not so many clues about. As such, when a strategy top down does not work, go for a bottom-up one or the other way around. I.E. process of elimination.

In Anglo-Saxon times, the monastic tribes made _______ distinction between Latin and texts in vernacular by assigning the former an Anglo-Caroline script and reserving the pointed insular script for texts in Old English.

During a certain period of time, someone made a distinction between X and reserving the residual way to describe the entire phenomenon to another type of script.

From this, you infer that the distinction between the first category or group (much larger and important) and the residual or other group (it is not important which is which; what is the composition of the first thing - larger - and the second thing - smaller; try to conceptualize the whole meaning. A sort of visualization of the whole scenario) is a bit blurry or not so clear.

After all , we reserved the first script to label the first and the second script to label the second BUT the latter is old but still in use.

Therefore, the difference is not so much casted or relevant.

C) pointless - here we do not have anything pointless. On the contrary, the distinction is relevant for the two groups
D) obvious - not so obvious because the monastic is clear they made something almost cunning
E) unconventional - out of scope this word
F) judgemental - out of scope.

A and B are the answer.

Always when you are pretty sure to click the right answer/s to put into the sentence and see if they have a sense in the sentence itself. reading aloud.

hope this helps.

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Re: In Anglo-Saxon times, the monastic tribes made _____ [#permalink]
I was wondering in what part of the text can we gather that his distinction is subtle? I don't understand how the monastic tribes are being cunning. Thanks.
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Re: In Anglo-Saxon times, the monastic tribes made _____ [#permalink]
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The official discussion is located here ... tml#p56484

This is locked. Please if you do have a question refer to that

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Re: In Anglo-Saxon times, the monastic tribes made _____ [#permalink]
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Re: In Anglo-Saxon times, the monastic tribes made _____ [#permalink]
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