Good government is a heart of every nation. Leaders with distinct leadership qualities can work as catalyst for a society and for the development of a country. If these qualities are imbued since young age they will turn into outstanding abilities to face the world. Cooperation and competition both are integral part of leadership. I donot agree totally that instilling only a sence of cooperation not competiton in young people can make them superb leaders in government, industry or other fields.
First and foremost reason is that competition is soul of every development. It keep people motivated to perform better than before. It is not neccessary that competition always leads to negative results. It all depends upon the attitude of a person that how to take sense of competition. If one is competiting with oneself to achieve more for a industry to test his/her potential and for the growth of a industry and betterment of society then it can lead to marvelous results. For example, Scientists like Einstien and Newton were competiting with themselves to acheive more and discover more ,not with other scientists.
Secondly, sence of cooperation is also important. One cannot run a government or industry alone. He needs a team of people to achieve goals set by government and indusry or other organisations. He will work in the company of higher rank lower rank and peers. In that scenario he needs to listen to all and discuss his/ her view points with others and reach to a common decision after a peaceful discussion. For this reason he needs to have sence of cooperation because results and decisions will not be always according to his/her wish.Decisions should me made for betterment, So he needs to keep his/her ego aside and work cooperatily with others in the team. It will make him favorite leader in whatever field that person is working
Finally it can be said that Competition and cooperation both are integral part of the characteristics of a outstanding leader. Both are two sides of a same coin, These cannot be separated from a good leader. Therefore for prospective leaders in government, industry or other fields it is necessary to instill in them both qualities since young age. Therefore I partially agree with the statement that only sense of competion should be instilled not competition.
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