Miscellaneous words
09 May 2015, 23:30
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consternation=====a feeling of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected.
voluble====(of a person) talking fluently, readily, or incessantly.
frisson===a sudden strong feeling of excitement or fear; a thrill.
maven====an expert or connoisseur.
fabulist====a liar
veer====change direction suddenly.
lackey===a servant.
demarcate====set the boundaries or limits of.
dissolute=====dissipated, debauched, decadent, intemperate, profligate, abandoned, self-indulgent, rakish, louche, licentious, promiscuous, lecherous, libertine, wanton, lustful, libidinous, lewd, unchaste, loose; wild, unrestrained, depraved, degenerate, corrupt, sinful, immoral, impure; drunken.
turbid=====confused or obscure in meaning or effect.
turgid=====tediously pompous or bombast,swollen and distended or congested.
prologue====introduction, foreword, preface.
coda====a concluding event, remark, or section.
rampage=====a period of violent and uncontrollable behaviour by a group of people.