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Re: Non-traditional MBA applicant - Scored 330 (161Q, 169V) [#permalink]
arijit87 wrote:
169 Verbal..Wow! Are you a native English speaker? What were your strategies for Verbal esp. RC?

Hi arijit87, being a native speaker helps, but I think reading extensively has a strong impact in the long run. Magoosh Verbal was really helpful for RC. Towards the end I created flash cards with strategies for RC and its different types of questions, and just kept reading them in the last week before the test. It definitely helps to be someone that reads the news and current affairs daily - you pick up grammar organically that way.
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Re: Non-traditional MBA applicant - Scored 330 (161Q, 169V) [#permalink]
Yeah Aaliyah, well said! While I read RCs, by the time I reach the end of a passage, I forget the beginning of it and I got to read the passage again to understand it completely. Reading a passage twice is not good because it kills a good amount of time. How can I overcome this? Any idea?

Could you pls share your strategies for Text Completion and Sentence Equivalence as well?

A silly question though, do you think that making flash cards for Vocabulary and strategies is more helpful than penning down in a notebook?

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Re: Non-traditional MBA applicant - Scored 330 (161Q, 169V) [#permalink]
For RC if I remember correctly, Magoosh advised to first read a paragraph then write down the gist of the paragraph (1 sentence) without looking back. You do this for the rest of the passage. Then after the final paragraph you write down what you think is the purpose of the passage (eg. "to propose a new way of thinking about Aztec cooking rituals").

The key is to not spend too long on your first read - you want to understand the structure of the passage, and you want to understand where each paragraph or section fits in the overall passage (eg. P1 talks about X, P2 starts contradicting X because Y, P3 has more to say about Y, P4 says more research is needed). Then when you tackle each question, its your job to go back into the passage and find the relevant paragraph then read more in depth. For questions that aren't related to a specific section (eg. what is the purpose of the text?), you have to go several steps back and use your summary to answer those.

You don't want to read the full passage twice (unless its a very short one), but you can certainly end up reading sections of the passage multiple times as you answer the questions.

The strategy for text completion and sentence equivalence are somewhat similar in that you first read the question then IGNORE the answers. Come up with your own word for the blank first, then look at the answers to find the right one.
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Re: Non-traditional MBA applicant - Scored 330 (161Q, 169V) [#permalink]
Your sharing is very helpful, especially for person also graduated from university several years. Thanks you!
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