Re: Nora Ephrons 1989 film, When Harry Met Sally, was more than a hit mov
28 Dec 2022, 05:00
You need a clue that matches “more than a hit movie” and goes with the idea of having meaning for a whole generation of people. “Touchstone,” or something used to make judgments about other things, matches perfectly. “Cornerstone” doesn’t work—a cultural touchstone is a single important event, place, work of art, etc. A “cultural cornerstone” would be something the whole society is built upon (like individualism, Islam, or the monarchy, depending on the society). A “rudder” is literally part of a ship related to steering; if you are lost in life, you are like a ship without a rudder. A “bolster” is pretty similar to a “stanchion,” at least when used metaphorically to mean a support (literally, a “bolster” is a pillow and a “stanchion” is an upright bar or post), so neither is the answer.