The number of stray dogs picked up in Ford City last year by the city's dogcatchers was 50 percent lower than the previous year's figure. The mayor of Ford City attributed this decline to the city's recent crackdown on unlicensed breeders that breed dogs dangerously fast and release any unwanted puppies on the streets. Over a dozen operators of these so called "puppy farms" have been incarcerated over the last year in Ford City.
Each of the following, if true, could weaken the mayor's conclusion that the decline in the number of stray dogs picked up by the city's dogcatchers is due to the crackdown on "puppy farms" EXCEPT:
For all Reading Comprehension questions, begin by identifying the question task. In this case the task is to find choices that weaken the mayor's conclusion, but select the exception. For all EXCEPT questions, follow these steps to avoid the sort of confusion the exam is trying to encourage:
1) List the Question Task in the Affirmative - In this case "weaken conclusion"
2) Write EXCEPT in Big Capital Letters
3) Process of Eliminate as Comes Most Naturally to You
4) Eliminate the Outlier Choice
- If 4 ✓s Listed --> Select the 1 X
- If 4 Xs Listed --> Select the 1 ✓
Now, go into the prompt and identify the conclusion, which is the main point of the paragraph. In this case the question does it for us stating that the conclusion is that the decline in the number of stray dogs picked up by the city's dogcatchers is due to the crackdown on "puppy farms". Now, move to the choices working through the steps for excepts:
a) ✓ The same scenario occurring in another city without a crackdown weakens alleged the causation
b) ✓ Firing all the dogcatchers would provide another potential cause thereby weakening the alleged causation
c) ✓ Many stray animals dying on their own would provide another potential cause for the decrease
d) ✓ The new foundation would be another potential cause for the decrease
e) X The length of time that the laws had been on the books does not impact the likelihood that the crackdown caused the decrease
Using the steps for excepts, select the outlier choice E as correct.