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If values of the 30th and 40th percentiles values are 12 and 16..
13 Mar 2022, 11:33
Question Stats:
48% (01:39) correct
51% (01:23) wrong based on 29 sessions
timer Statistics
If values of the 30th and 40th percentiles values are 12 and 16 of the distribution of X. and the random variable X is normally distributed.
Quantity A
Quantity B
\(\) The value at the 35th Percentile
Options: A Quantity A is greater. B Quantity B is greater. C The two quantities are equal. D The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
Re: If values of the 30th and 40th percentiles values are 12 and 16..
13 Mar 2022, 11:57
Expert Reply
The value 14 is exactly at halfway between 12 and 16. Since the normal curve is increasing in that interval (i.e., approaching 50th percentile), the area between 14 and 16 will be greater than the area between 12 and 14. In other words, more values are distributed around the mean (i.e., 50th percentile). Since the value at the 35th percentile should divide the area between 30th and 40th percentiles in half, the value here will be closer to 16 than 12. Hence, the value at 35th percentile will be greater than 14.
Re: If values of the 30th and 40th percentiles values are 12 and 16..
15 Jun 2024, 00:09
Expert Reply
GRE bell curve.jpg [ 34.72 KiB | Viewed 699 times ]
The red area, considering we are approaching the peak of the curve, has more concentration of data points than those in the lower areas of the red part.
Therefore in the 35th percentile we have more points and this concentration is higher than those we do have related at the percentile = to 14
I hope is now better to understand
Re: If values of the 30th and 40th percentiles values are 12 and 16.. [#permalink]