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Re: Echolocating bats emit sounds in patterns—characteristic of [#permalink]
25. According to the passage, the configuration of the target is reported to the eholocating bat by changes in the

A echo spectrum of CF signals
B echo spectrum of FM signals
C direction and velocity of the FM echoes
D delay between transmission and reflection of the CF signals
E relative frequencies of the FM and the CF echoes

It's clear from the passage that only FM signals can transmit information about the configuration of the target.
Passage fragment: The FM signals report information about target characteristics that modify the timing and the fine frequency structure, or spectrum, of echoes—for example, the target's size, shape, texture, surface structure, and direction in space.
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Re: Echolocating bats emit sounds in patterns—characteristic of [#permalink]
26. The author presents the information concerning bat sonar in a manner that could be best described as

A argumentative
B commendatory
C critical
D disbelieving
E objective

Author presents information in a neutral tone, without any criticism or praise regarding the information. Thus, only option suitable is the objective.
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Re: Echolocating bats emit sounds in patterns—characteristic of [#permalink]
27. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

A A fact is stated, a process is outlined, and specific details of the process are described.
B A fact is stated, and examples suggesting that a distinction needs correction are considered.
C A fact is stated, a theory is presented to explain that fact, and additional facts are introduced to validate the theory.
D A fact is stated, and two theories are compared in light of their explanations of this fact.
E A fact is stated, a process is described, and examples of still another process are illustrated in detail.

Why the option A?
First of all, in the first sentence of the passage author clearly states a fact about echolocating bats.Further, he explains the process on which is the fact based, describing the signal types and how they work. Then he clearly provides some specific information regarding the stated process in a previous sentence, describing what kind of data this signals can transmit.
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Re: Echolocating bats emit sounds in patterns—characteristic of [#permalink]
24. According to the passage, the information provided to the bat by CF echoes differs from that provided by FM echoes in which of the following ways?
A Only CF echoes alert the bat to moving targets.-
Incorrect- [i]for example, the target's size, shape, texture, surface structure, and direction in space
B Only CF echoes identify the range of widely spaced targets.[/color]
incorrect- not mentioned in passage
C Only CF echoes report the target's presence to the bat.
incorrect- FM too do that
D In some species, CF echoes enable the bat to judge whether it is closing in on its target.
correct- bats of some species correct in flight for the direction and velocity of their moving prey[i].
E In some species, CF echoes enable the bat to discriminate the size of its target and the direction in which the target is moving.
incorrect- CF does not recognize size. FM also recognizes the direction

25. According to the passage, the configuration of the target is reported to the eholocating bat by changes in the

B echo spectrum of FM signals
correct- opening of Para 2

26. The author presents the information concerning bat sonar in a manner that could be best described as
E objective

27. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?
A A fact is stated, a process is outlined, and specific details of the process are described.
B A fact is stated, and examples suggesting that a distinction needs correction are considered.
incorrect- distinction needing correction not mentioned
C A fact is stated, a theory is presented to explain that fact, and additional facts are introduced to validate the theory.
incorrect- no theory mentioned
D A fact is stated, and two theories are compared in light of their explanations of this fact.
incorrect- no theories mentioned
E A fact is stated, a process is described, and examples of still another process are illustrated in detail.
Incorrect- there is no another process
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Echolocating bats emit sounds in patternscharacteristic of [#permalink]
24. According to the passage, the information provided to the bat by CF echoes differs from that provided by FM echoes in which of the following ways?

(A) Only CF echoes alert the bat to moving targets.

No. The "only" indicates an extreme answer and also there is no mention of this fact in the passage

(B) Only CF echoes identify the range of widely spaced targets.

No. The "only" indicates an extreme answer and also there is no mention of this fact in the passage

(C) Only CF echoes report the target's presence to the bat.

No. The "only" indicates an extreme answer and also there is no mention of this fact in the passage. Also the following lines from the passage imply that echoes of FM signals also indicate target's presence to the bats.

The FM signals report information about target characteristics that modify the timing and the fine frequency structure, or spectrum, of echoes—for example, the target's size, shape, texture, surface structure, and direction in space.

(D) In some species, CF echoes enable the bat to judge whether it is closing in on its target.


Because of their narrow bandwidth, CF signals portray only the target's presence and,
in the case of some bat species, its motion relative to the bat's.

(E) In some species, CF echoes enable the bat to discriminate the size of its target and the direction in which the target is moving.

No. CF echoes do not help to discriminate the size of its target.

25. According to the passage, the configuration of the target is reported to the echolocating bat by changes in the

(A) echo spectrum of CF signals


(B) echo spectrum of FM signals


The FM signals report information about target characteristics that modify the timing and the fine frequency structure, or spectrum, of echoes—for example,
the target's size, shape, texture, surface structure, and direction in space.

(C) direction and velocity of the FM echoes


(D) delay between transmission and reflection of the CF signals


(E) relative frequencies of the FM and the CF echoes


26. The author presents the information concerning bat sonar in a manner that could be best described as

The author introduces echolocating in bats and details the process. We don't see any judgment, opinion or emotion on the part of the author in the passage.

(A) argumentative


(B) commendatory


(C) critical


(D) disbelieving


(E) objective


27. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

(A) A fact is stated, a process is outlined, and specific details of the process are described.

Yes. The author begins the passage by stating the fact of echolocating in bats using FM and CF signals, then he outlines the process of how this works and also gives the specific details of the process

(B) A fact is stated, and examples suggesting that a distinction needs correction are considered.


(C) A fact is stated, a theory is presented to explain that fact, and additional facts are introduced to validate the theory.

No theory is presented to explain any facts.

(D) A fact is stated, and two theories are compared in light of their explanations of this fact.

No two theories are proposed and compared

(E) A fact is stated, a process is described, and examples of still another process are illustrated in detail.

No. Only one process is described with examples, no other process is described and illustrated in detail.

Explanation: If you cannot understand that A is the correct answer, follow the process of elimination. B, C and D are easy eliminations. We are left with A and E. Now E is easily eliminated for the given reasons, so we are left with A.
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Echolocating bats emit sounds in patternscharacteristic of [#permalink]
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