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The fact that the average life expectancy ten thousand years [#permalink]
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This question is part of 5 lb. Book of GRE® Practice Problems Verbal Question Directory

The fact that the average life expectancy ten thousand years ago was so much shorter than it is now is often (i) ________ as evidence supporting the notion that the world always improves with time. However, if you (ii) _________ for the fact that most children in that epoch died in childbirth, it turns out that life expectancy back then was nearly the same as it is now. On a (iii) _________ note, it also turns out that many “barbaric huntergatherer tribes were taller on average than the average person now living.
Blank (i)Blank (ii)Blank (iii)
(A) cited(D) prepare(G) contrastive
(B) disregarded(E) read(H) sidereal
(C) embodied(F) correct(I) tangential

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Cited, correct, tangential

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Re: The fact that the average life expectancy ten thousand years [#permalink]
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You can start with the first blank here, where a fact about life expectancy relates to the world improving with time. Clearly this would be true if life expectancies have increased with time, so you can simply use cited in the first blank. The second blank, however, says that this statistic is slightly misleading if you consider a new fact (i.e., that most children died in childbirth).

This means you need to correct for the new piece of information. The final sentence seems a bit off-topic (suddenly you’re talking about height, when you had been talking about life expectancy), so you should use the word tangential to set it off. Note that sidereal doesn’t have anything to do with being “on the side” — it means “related to the stars.”

Cited, correct, tangential.
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The fact that the average life expectancy ten thousand year [#permalink]
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This question is a part of The 5 lb. Book of GRE Practice Problems (2nd Ed.) - VERBAL

The fact that the average life expectancy ten thousand years ago was so much shorter than it is now is often (i) ________ as evidence supporting the notion that the world always improves with time. However, if you (ii)_________ for the fact that most children in that epoch died in childbirth, life expectancy for those who survived birth was nearly the same then as it is now.

Blank (i)Blank (ii)
(A) cited(D) prepare
(B) disregarded(E) read
(C) embodied(F) correct
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Re: The fact that the average life expectancy ten thousand year [#permalink]
Carcass wrote:

This question is a part of The 5 lb. Book of GRE Practice Problems (2nd Ed.) - VERBAL

The fact that the average life expectancy ten thousand years ago was so much shorter than it is now is often (i) ________ as evidence supporting the notion that the world always improves with time. However, if you (ii)_________ for the fact that most children in that epoch died in childbirth, life expectancy for those who survived birth was nearly the same then as it is now.

Blank (i)Blank (ii)
(A) cited(D) prepare
(B) disregarded(E) read
(C) embodied(F) correct

The fact that life expectancy is much greater now then millennia ago is used as evidence that things have gotten better. The word "cited" works well here. However, if you take into account that most children died back then, you can argue that life expectancy has not changed. You are basically correcting for the fact that most people disregard most children died millennia ago, thus "correct" is a the right word.

Answer A and F
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Re: The fact that the average life expectancy ten thousand year [#permalink]
Read it : x ___ evidence supporting "conclusion". However(so negative)______.
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Re: The fact that the average life expectancy ten thousand year [#permalink]
What is wrong with read for the fact
please explain why E is wrong here
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Re: The fact that the average life expectancy ten thousand year [#permalink]
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The meaning here is: if you CORRECT the statistics and not to read them you gain new insights into the childbirth.

read carefully the sentence.

Hope this helps.
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Re: The fact that the average life expectancy ten thousand year [#permalink]
Why is "embodied as evidence wrong here"?
Please explain.
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Re: The fact that the average life expectancy ten thousand year [#permalink]
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A study or statistics are cited to reach some sort of conclusion. They are not embodied...embodied where ??

Hope this helps.

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Re: The fact that the average life expectancy ten thousand year [#permalink]
Average life expectancy ten thousand years ago was so much shorter than it is now is often cited as evidence supporting the notion that the world always improves with time. Focus on the word "negative/change"(However), if you correct for the fact that most children in that epoch died in childbirth, life expectancy for those who survived birth was nearly the same then as it is now.
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Re: QOTD #12 The fact that the average life expectancy [#permalink]
I really have to declare that Manhattan Prep's verbal material is the absolute WORST in the industry. There's a reason why the famous Greg Mat of GRE fame denounces them.
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Re: The fact that the average life expectancy ten thousand year [#permalink]
Hello from the GRE Prep Club VerbalBot!

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