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Which of the following can reasonably be inferred based on the passage?
❑ An individual who aged
faster than the average person may have had a
shorter telomere buffer than the average person.- Last line states this
Scientists once believed that telomeres served no useful purpose. - out of scope
❑ If DNA degradation were
absent, then telomeres would be
less important to human health. - That's a tricky one

"T would be less important if DNA division does not happen?" Last line of first para says that without T, cell division would be a step into senescence. So when there is no cell division, then T might not most crucial. In other words, it will be less important. Hence, this answer choice is correct.
Hence, A and C.
The passage suggests that if telomere buffers did not exist - "
if there is no T, what would happen?". Ageing would be faster should come as a answer choice.
A) problems associated with aging would begin earlier in life - Yes
B) people would age so rapidly that almost no one would live past
childhood - we do not know about childhood. One might live past teenager as well.
C) cellular senescence would probably be prevented by DNA bases - out of scope.
D) chromosomes would lose the ability to store genetic codes - out of scope
E) DNA strands would contain only useful genetic information - out of scope
Hence, A