18. As mentioned above, the topic of the passage is the unsatisfactory condition of scholarship devoted to the history of women in photography. Since Rosenblum’s book is
clearly presented as an example of this unsatisfactory scholarship, Choice C is the correct answer. Choice D may seem appealing, because a strictly chronological approach
might be inadequate to represent the explosive growth of the field in the 1920s. However, the sentence does not develop this idea, and this is not the reason for mentioning
19.Choice C is correct.
Choice A is incorrect: the passage does not state whether the period in which Palfi was working was an era when photography was static or in transition. Choice B is incorrect: the passage does not state the nature of the subjects Austen photographed, nor compare their relative familiarity to those photographed by Palfi. Choice C is correct: Palfi’s photographs played a role in subsequent events because they served as early evidence of the need for protective legislation.
20. The term “hobbyist” suggests Austen’s relative lack of seriousness as a photographer when compared with “senior figures,” yet her role has been elevated to that of a “pioneering documentarian” at the expense of these other figures. Choice D may be appealing in that this elevation could be considered a form of distortion, but Choice A is more
specific as well as more in line with the dictionary definition of “inflated” as “expanded to an abnormal or unjustifiable volume or level.” Thus, Choice A, “exaggeration,” is the
correct answer.