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Quantity A
Quantity B
A)The quantity in Column A is greater. B)The quantity in Column B is greater. C)The two quantities are equal. D)The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
The answer was B. I read the explanation but couldn't understand it. Because they create a relation between 5^x and 4^x. Which really I couldn't understand
The answer was B. I read the explanation but couldn't understand it. Because they create a relation between 5^x and 4^x. Which really I couldn't understand
You forgot that x can be fractions. Unless you can mathematically prove the relationship, the answer is D.
Why Sir picking numbers above as my strategy has a flaw ?'
Where is the catch ?? Also, I said in a previous post D because the user did not post the constraint x < 0
Thank you Sir
Your solution demonstrates the main drawback with testing values: unless you get different outcomes (e.g., in one case, Quantity A is greater, and in another case, Quantity B is greater), you can't be certain of the correct answer.
For example, let's say we have the following question:
Given: x > 0 Quantity A: x Quantity B: x²
case i: Since x > 0, x COULD equal 2. So, we get: Quantity A: 2 Quantity B: 2² = 4 In this case, Quantity B is greater
case ii: Since x > 0, x COULD equal 3. So, we get: Quantity A: 3 Quantity B: 3² = 9 In this case, Quantity B is greater
So, after testing two possible x-values, can we conclude that Quantity B is ALWAYS greater and that the correct answer is B? No. The problem is that we've tested only two possible x-values. So, it COULD be the case that we just haven't tested an x-value that yields a different outcome.
In fact, if x = 1, then the two quantities are equal And, if x = 1/2, then Quantity A is greater
For more on this drawback of testing values, start watching the following video at 2:50